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      1 Catan
      2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
      4 This protocol is based on the [Catan 5th ed. base game rules](catan-5ed-rules).
      6 A rough description of the game, taken from the above rules, is as follows:
      8 - Catan plays on a hexagonal grid, with each hex (tile) having an associated
      9   resource and counter. The board's tiles and counter values are generated
     10   randomly, and players get assigned 2 placed settlements and 2 placed roads,
     11   and a set of resource cards as their starting hand. In addition to resources,
     12   there are one or more desert tiles (on one of which the robber is initially
     13   placed) which produce nothing. At the edge of the board are "coasts", and
     14   at coast-tile intersections are placed harbours.
     16 - On each player's turn, two dice are first rolled and each tile with the
     17   matching counter value produces its associated resource for all players with
     18   a settlement or city on one of the vertices of said tile. The current player
     19   then enters their combined build/trade phase.
     21 - Should a 7 be rolled, all players with more than 7 cards in hand discard
     22   half of their hand (rounded down), and the current player moves the robber
     23   to a new tile. After moving the robber, the current player chooses a target
     24   player to steal from (from the set of players with settlements or cities
     25   on the robber tile's vertices), and moves one random resource card from the
     26   target player's hand into their own.
     28 - During a player's turn, they may spend resources to build structures (roads
     29   or settlements), upgrade a settlement into a city, buy a development card,
     30   play a development card bought at least 1 turn ago, or offer a trade to the
     31   bank or another player.
     33 - Trades allow for a player to trade `n` of one resource for `m` of a different
     34   type of resource, either in a `4:1` ratio (in the case a default bank trade),
     35   a `3:1` ratio (in the case of a default harbour trade), a `2:1` ratio (in the
     36   case of a specialty harbour trade), or an `n:m` ratio (in the case of a
     37   player trade).
     39 Catan: Protocol
     40 ===============================================================================
     42 This protocol is intended for use over a network, and is assumed to use a
     43 byte-oriented stream transport protocol (such as TCP). The protocol message
     44 description below is written in a C-like language, with the caveat that
     45 anonymous unions describe conditional parts of a message (with the condition
     46 noted by a comment), and that the `<stdint.h>` header for fixed-size types is
     47 assumed to be included.
     49 ```c
     50 // NOTE:
     51 struct tilepos {
     52     int8_t q, r;
     53 };
     55 // NOTE:
     56 enum edge : uint8_t {
     57   W   = 0,
     58   NW  = 1,
     59   NE  = 2,
     60 };
     62 struct edgepos {
     63   int8_t q, r;
     64   enum edge e;
     65 };
     67 // NOTE:
     68 enum vert : uint8_t {
     69   N = 0,
     70   S = 1,
     71 };
     73 struct vertpos {
     74   int8_t q, r;
     75   enum vert v;
     76 };
     78 enum resource : uint8_t {
     79   ANY     = 0,
     80   BRICK   = 1,
     81   GRAIN   = 2,
     82   LUMBER  = 3,
     83   ORE     = 4,
     84   WOOL    = 5,
     85 };
     87 struct trade_offer {
     88   enum resource resource;
     89   uint8_t count;
     90 };
     92 enum tile_type : uint8_t {
     93   TILE_EMPTY      = 0,
     94   TILE_HILLS      = BRICK,
     95   TILE_FIELDS     = GRAIN,
     96   TILE_FOREST     = LUMBER,
     97   TILE_MOUNTAINS  = ORE,
     98   TILE_PASTURE    = WOOL,
     99   TILE_DESERT     = 6,
    100 };
    102 struct tile {
    103   enum tile_type type;
    104   uint8_t counter;
    105 };
    107 enum buildable : uint8_t {
    108   ROAD              = 0,
    109   SETTLEMENT        = 1,
    110   CITY              = 2,
    111   DEVELOPMENT_CARD  = 3,
    112 };
    114 enum devcard : uint8_t {
    115   KNIGHT          = 0,
    116   ROAD_BUILDING   = 1,
    117   YEAR_OF_PLENTY  = 2,
    118   MONOPOLY        = 3,
    119   VICTORY_POINT   = 4,
    120 };
    122 enum msg_type : uint8_t {
    123   MSG_BEGIN         = 0,  // gives game setup info
    124   MSG_SETUP         = 1,  // sends initial board and agent states
    125   MSG_KICK          = 2,  // removes a misbehaving agent from the game
    126   MSG_END           = 3,  // gives the winner of the game
    128   MSG_TURN          = 10, // marks beginning of given agent's turn
    129   MSG_ROLL          = 11, // request a roll
    130   MSG_ROLL_RESULT   = 12, // public result of rolling a dice
    131   MSG_PLAY          = 13, // plays a development card
    132   MSG_BUILD         = 14, // builds a structure or development card
    133   MSG_BUILD_RESULT  = 15, // private result of building a structure or devcard
    134   MSG_TRADE         = 16, // requests a trade with a given agent
    135   MSG_TRADE_ACCEPT  = 17, // accepts a pending trade offer
    136   MSG_TRADE_REJECT  = 18, // rejects a pending trade offer
    137   MSG_PASS          = 19, // marks end of agent's turn
    139   MSG_ROB           = 20, // moves the robber to a new tile, and robs an agent
    140   MSG_ROB_RESULT    = 21, // public result of robbing a given agent
    141 };
    143 struct msg_begin_tag {
    144   uint32_t timeout_secs;
    145   uint32_t thread_limit;
    146   uint32_t memory_limit;  // in MiB
    147   uint8_t board_radius;   // excluding central tile
    148   uint8_t player_id;
    150   uint32_t cell_count;
    151   uint32_t harbour_count;
    152   uint32_t player_count;
    153 };
    155 struct msg_setup_tag {
    156   struct {
    157     struct tilepos pos;
    158     struct tile tile;
    159   } cells[begin.cell_count];
    161   struct {
    162     struct vertpos vert1;
    163     struct vertpos vert2;
    164     enum resource resource;
    165     uint8_t cost;
    166   } harbours[begin.harbour_count];
    168   struct {
    169     uint8_t id;
    170     struct vertpos house1;
    171     struct edgepos road1;
    172     struct vertpos house2;
    173     struct edgepos road2;
    174     enum resource starting_hand[3];
    175   } players[begin.player_count];
    176 };
    178 struct msg_kick_tag {
    179   uint8_t kick_id;
    180 };
    182 struct msg_end_tag {
    183   uint8_t winner_id;
    184 };
    186 struct msg_turn_tag {
    187   uint8_t player_id;
    188 };
    190 struct msg_roll_tag {};
    192 struct msg_roll_result {
    193   uint8_t roll;
    194 };
    196 struct msg_play_tag {
    197   uint8_t player_id;
    198   enum devcard card;
    199 };
    201 struct msg_build_tag {
    202   uint8_t player_id;
    203   enum buildable type;
    204   union {
    205     struct edgepos edgepos; // if type == ROAD
    206     struct vertpos vertpos; // if type == SETTLEMENT || type == CITY
    207   };
    208 };
    210 struct msg_build_result_tag {
    211   enum buildable type;
    212   union {
    213     enum devcard card;  // if type == DEVELOPMENT_CARD
    214   };
    215 };
    217 struct msg_trade_tag {
    218   uint8_t player_id;
    219   uint8_t target_id;
    220   struct trade_offer offer;
    221   struct trade_offer ask;
    222 };
    224 struct msg_trade_accept_tag {
    225   uint8_t player_id;
    226   uint8_t target_id;
    227 };
    229 struct msg_trade_reject_tag {
    230   uint8_t player_id;
    231   uint8_t target_id;
    232 };
    234 struct msg_pass_tag {};
    236 struct msg_rob_tag {
    237   struct tilepos tilepos;
    238   uint8_t target_id;
    239 };
    241 struct msg_rob_result_tag {
    242   uint8_t player_id;
    243   uint8_t target_id;
    244   enum resource card;
    245 };
    247 union msg_tag {
    248   struct msg_begin_tag begin;
    249   struct msg_setup_tag setup;
    250   struct msg_kick_tag kick;
    251   struct msg_end_tag end;
    253   struct msg_turn_tag turn;
    254   struct msg_roll_tag roll;
    255   struct msg_roll_result_tag roll_result;
    256   struct msg_play_tag play;
    257   struct msg_build_tag build;
    258   struct msg_build_result_tag build_result;
    259   struct msg_trade_tag trade;
    260   struct msg_trade_accept_tag trade_accept;
    261   struct msg_trade_reject_tag trade_reject;
    262   struct msg_pass_tag pass;
    264   struct msg_rob_tag rob;
    265   struct msg_rob_result_tag rob_result;
    266 };
    268 struct msg {
    269   enum msg_type type;
    270   union msg_tag tag;
    271 };
    272 ```
    274 Catan: Protocol: Server Flow
    275 ===============================================================================
    277 The server finite state machine is roughly described below in pseudocode:
    279 ```text
    280 INIT:
    281   generate board and agent state
    282   GOTO ACCEPT
    284 ACCEPT:
    285   start all agent processes
    286   accept all agent connections
    287   GOTO BEGIN
    289 BEGIN:
    290   send `MSG_BEGIN` to all agents, assigning player ids from 0 to N
    291   set `player_id` to id of last agent in agent turn order
    292   GOTO TURN
    294 TURN:
    295   set `player_id` to next agent in agent turn order
    296   send `MSG_TURN` to all agents
    298   mark `agents[player_id]` as not having played a development card this turn
    299   mark `agents[player_id]` as not having rolled this turn
    300   while `agents[player_id]` has not timed out
    301     if `agents[player_id]` has not rolled this turn
    302       set `expected_messages` to { MSG_ROLL, MSG_PLAY }
    303     else
    304       set `expected_messages` to { MSG_PASS, MSG_PLAY, MSG_BUILD, MSG_TRADE }
    306     receive a message `msg` from `agents[player_id]`
    307     if `msg.type` not in `expected_messages`
    308       set `kick_id` to `player_id`
    309       GOTO KICK
    311     if `msg.type == MSG_PASS`
    312       GOTO PASS
    313     else if `msg.type == MSG_ROLL`
    314       mark `agents[player_id]` as having rolled this turn
    315       generate a random dice roll between 2 and 12
    316       update hand state for all agents
    317       send `MSG_ROLL_RESULT` to all agents
    318       if dice rolled a 7
    319         receive a message `msg` from `agents[player_id]`
    320         if `msg.type != MSG_ROB`
    321           set `kick_id` to `player_id`
    322           GOTO KICK
    323         else
    324           send `msg` to all other agents
    325           move the robber to the tile at `msg.tilepos`
    326           select a random resource from the hand of `agents[msg.target_id]`
    327           send `MSG_ROB_RESULT` to `agents[player_id]` and `agents[msg.target_id]`
    328     else if `msg.type == MSG_PLAY`
    329       if `agents[player_id]` has already played a development card this turn
    330         set `kick_id` to `player_id`
    331         GOTO KICK
    332       else
    333         mark `agents[player_id]` as having played a development card this turn
    334         play `msg.devcard` 
    335         send `msg` to all other agents
    336     else if `msg.type == MSG_BUILD`
    337       build structure or buy development card
    338       send `msg` to all other agents
    339       send `MSG_BUILD_RESULT` to `agents[player_id]`
    340     else if `msg.type == MSG_TRADE`
    341       send `msg` to all other agents
    342       receive a message `response` from `agents[msg.target_id]`
    343       if `response.type` not in { MSG_TRADE_ACCEPT, MSG_TRADE_REJECT }
    344         set `kick_id` to `msg.target_id`
    345         GOTO KICK
    346       else
    347         send `response` to all other agents
    348         update hands of `agents[msg.player_id]` and `agents[msg.target_id]`
    350 PASS:
    351   if `agents[player_id]` has reached 10 victory points
    352     GOTO END
    353   else
    354     GOTO TURN
    356 KICK:
    357   send `MSG_KICK` for `agents[kick_id]` to all other agents
    358   close `agents[kick_id]` connection
    359   GOTO TURN
    361 END:
    362   send `MSG_END` to all agents
    363   GOTO DEINIT
    365 DEINIT:
    366   close all agent connections
    367 ```
    369 Catan: References
    370 ===============================================================================
    371 [catan-5ed-rules]: