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     19 <a name=A.>Table of Contents</a>
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     23 <p>
     24 <hr size=4>
     26 <H1>A. Rationale (informative annex)</H1>
     29 <hr>
     30 <a name=A.1>
     31 <H2>A.1 Introduction</H2>
     32 </a>
     34 <hr>
     35 <a name=A.1.1></A>
     36 <H3>A.1.1 Purpose</H3>
     37 </a>
     40 <hr>
     41 <a name=A.1.2>
     42 <H3>A.1.2 Scope</H3>
     43 </a>
     45 This Standard is more extensive than previous industry standards for the Forth
     46 language.  Several things made this necessary:
     48 <UL>
     49 <LI>the desire to resolve conflicts between previous standards;
     50 <LI>the need to eliminate semantic ambiguities and other inadequacies;
     51 <LI>the requirement to standardize common practice, where possible
     52 resolving divergences in a way that minimizes the cost of compliance;
     53 <LI>the desire to standardize common system techniques, including those
     54 germane to hardware.
     55 </UL>
     56 <P>
     58 The result of the effort to satisfy all of these objectives is a
     59 Standard arranged so that the required word set remains small.  Thus ANS
     60 Forth can be provided for resource-constrained embedded systems.  Words
     61 beyond those in the required word set are organized into a number of
     62 optional word sets and their extensions, enabling implementation of
     63 tailored systems that are Standard.
     65 <P>
     67 When judging relative merits, the members of the X3J14 Technical
     68 Committee were guided by the following goals (listed in alphabetic
     69 order):
     71 <P>
     73 <DL>
     74 <DT><B>Consistency</B>   
     75 <DD>The Standard provides a functionally complete
     76 set of words
     77 with minimal functional overlap.
     79 <DT><B>Cost of compliance</B>     
     80 <DD>This goal includes such issues as common
     81 practice, how
     82 much existing code would be broken by the proposed change, and the amount of
     83 effort required to bring existing applications and systems into conformity
     84 with the Standard.
     86 <DT><B>Efficiency</B>     
     87 <DD>Execution speed, memory compactness.
     89 <DT><B>Portability</B>    
     90 <DD>Words chosen for inclusion should be free of
     91 system-dependent
     92 features.
     94 <DT><B>Readability</B>    
     95 <DD>Forth definition names should clearly delineate
     96 their
     97 behavior.  That behavior should have an apparent simplicity which supports
     98 rapid understanding.  Forth should be easily taught and support readily
     99 maintained code.
    101 <DT><B>Utility</B> 
    102 <DD>Be judged to have sufficiently essential functionality
    103 and frequency
    104 of use to be deemed suitable for inclusion.</DL>
    107 <P>
    109 <hr>
    110 <a name=A.1.3>
    111 <H3>A.1.3 Document organization</H3>
    112 </a>
    115 <hr>
    116 <a name=A.1.3.1>
    117 <H4>A.1.3.1 Word sets</H4>
    118 </a>
    120 From the beginning, the X3J14 Technical Committee faced not only
    121 conflicting ideas as to what <B>real</B> Forth is, but also conflicting
    122 needs of the various groups within the Forth community.  At one extreme
    123 were those who pressed for a <B>bare</B> Forth.  At the other extreme
    124 were those who wanted a <B>fat</B> Forth.  Many were somewhere in
    125 between.  All were convinced of the rightness of their own position and
    126 of the wrongness of at least one of the two extremes.  The committee's
    127 composition reflected this full range of interests.
    129 <P>
    131 The approach we have taken is to define a 
    132 <a href=dpans6.htm#6.1>Core word set</a> 
    133 establishing a
    134 greatest lower bound for required system functionality and to provide a
    135 portfolio of optional word sets for special purposes.  This simple
    136 approach parallels the fundamental nature of Forth as an extensible
    137 language, and thereby achieves a kind of meta-extensibility.
    139 <P>
    141 With this key, high-level compromise, regardless of the actual makeup of
    142 the individual word sets, a firm and workable framework is established
    143 for the long term.  One may or may not agree that there should be a
    144 <a href=dpans13.htm>Locals word set</a>, 
    145 or that the word 
    146 <a href=dpans6.htm#6.2.0945>COMPILE,</a> 
    147 belongs in the 
    148 <a href=dpans6.htm#6.2>Core Extensions word set</a>.  
    149 But at least there is a mechanism whereby such
    150 things can be included in a logical and orderly manner.
    152 <P>
    154 Several implications of this scheme of optional word sets are
    155 significant.
    157 <P>
    159 First, ANS Forth systems can continue to be implemented on a greater
    160 range of hardware than could be claimed by almost any other single
    161 language.  Since only the 
    162 Core word set is required, very limited
    163 hardware will be able to accommodate an ANS Forth implementation.
    165 <P>
    167 Second, a greater degree of portability of applications, and of
    168 programmers, is anticipated.  The optional word sets standardize various
    169 functions (e.g., floating point) that were widely implemented before,
    170 but not with uniform definition names and methodologies, nor the same
    171 levels of completeness.  With such words now standardized in the
    172 optional word sets, communications between programmers - verbally, via
    173 magazine or journal articles, etc.  - will leap to a new level of
    174 facility, and the shareability of code and applications should rise
    175 dramatically.
    177 <P>
    179 Third, ANS Forth systems may be designed to offer the user the power to
    180 selectively, even dynamically, include or exclude one or more of the
    181 optional word sets or portions thereof.  Also, lower-priced products may
    182 be offered for the user who needs the Core word set and not much more.
    183 Thus, virtually unlimited flexibility will be available to the user.
    185 <P>
    187 But these advantages have a price.  The burden is on the user to decide
    188 what capabilities are desired, and to select product offerings
    189 accordingly, especially when portability of applications is important.
    190 We do not expect most implementors to attempt to provide all word sets,
    191 but rather to select those most valuable to their intended markets.
    193 <P>
    195 The basic requirement is that if the implementor claims to have a
    196 particular optional word set the entire required portion of that word
    197 set must be available.  If the implementor wishes to offer only part of
    198 an optional word set, it is acceptable to say, for example, <B>This
    199 system offers portions of the [named] word set</B>, particularly if the
    200 selected or excluded words are itemized clearly.
    202 <P>
    204 Each optional word set will probably appeal to a particular
    205 constituency.  For example, scientists performing complex mathematical
    206 analysis may place a higher value on the 
    207 <a href=dpans12.htm>Floating-Point word set</a> 
    208 than
    209 programmers developing simple embedded controllers.  As in the case of
    210 the core extensions, we expect implementors to offer those word sets
    211 they expect will be valued by their users.
    213 <P>
    215 Optional word sets may be offered in source form or otherwise factored
    216 so that the user may selectively load them.
    218 <P>
    220 The extensions to the optional word sets include words which are deemed
    221 less essential to performing the primary activity supported by the word
    222 set, though clearly relevant to it.  As in the case of the Core
    223 Extensions, implementors may selectively add itemized subsets of a word
    224 set extension providing the labeling doesn't mislead the user into
    225 thinking incorrectly that all words are present.
    227 <P>
    229 <hr>
    230 <A href=dpans.htm#toc><IMG   src="up.gif" ></A>    Table of Contents 
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