DPANSA16.HTM (7969B)
1 <HTML><HEAD> 2 <TITLE>DPANS94</TITLE> 3 <link disabled rel="stylesheet" href="mpexc6.css"> 4 <style>@import url(mpexc6.css);</style> 5 </head> 6 7 <BODY> 8 <table width=100%> 9 <tr> 10 <td align=left> 11 <a href=dpansa15.htm><img src=left.gif 12 width=26 height=26 align=ALIGN border=0></a> 13 <a href=dpansa17.htm><img src=right.gif 14 width=26 height=26 align=ALIGN border=0></a> 15 </td> 16 <td align=right> 17 <a href=dpans.htm#toc><img src=up.gif 18 width=26 height=26 align=ALIGN border=0></a> 19 <a name=A.16>Table of Contents</a> 20 </td> 21 </tr> 22 </table> 23 <p> 24 <hr size=4> 25 26 27 <H2>A.16 The optional Search-Order word set</H2> 28 29 Search-order specification and control mechanisms vary widely. The 30 FIG-Forth, Forth-79, polyFORTH, and Forth-83 vocabulary and search order 31 mechanisms are all mutually incompatible. The complete list of 32 incompatible mechanisms, in use or proposed, is much longer. The 33 <a href=dpans16.htm#>ALSO</a>/<a href=dpans16.htm#>ONLY</a> 34 scheme described in a Forth-83 Experimental Proposal has 35 substantial community support. However, many consider it to be 36 fundamentally flawed, and oppose it vigorously. 37 38 <P> 39 40 Recognizing this variation, this Standard specifies a new 41 <B>primitive</B> set of tools from which various schemes may be 42 constructed. This primitive search-order word set is intended to be a 43 portable <B>construction set</B> from which search-order words may be 44 built, rather than a user interface. ALSO/ONLY or the various 45 <B>vocabulary</B> schemes supported by the major Forth vendors can be 46 defined in terms of the primitive search-order word set. 47 48 <P> 49 50 The encoding for word list identifiers wid might be a small-integer 51 index into an array of word-list definition records, the data-space 52 address of such a record, a user-area offset, the execution token of a 53 Forth-83 style sealed vocabulary, the link-field address of the first 54 definition in a word list, or anything else. It is entirely up to the 55 system implementor. 56 57 <P> 58 59 In some systems the interpretation of numeric literals is controlled by 60 including <B>pseudo word lists</B> that recognize numbers at the end of 61 the search order. This technique is accommodated by the <B>default 62 search order</B> behavior of 63 <a href=dpans16.htm#>SET-ORDER</a> 64 when given an argument of -1. In 65 a system using the traditional implementation of ALSO/ONLY , the minimum 66 search order would be equivalent to the word ONLY. 67 68 <P> 69 70 There has never been a portable way to restore a saved search order. 71 F83 (not Forth-83) introduced the word 72 <a href=dpans16.htm#>PREVIOUS</a>, which almost made it 73 possible to <B>unload</B> the search order by repeatedly executing the 74 phrase <b><code>CONTEXT @ PREVIOUS</code></b>. 75 The search order could be <B>reloaded</B> by 76 repeating 77 <b><code>ALSO CONTEXT !</code></b>. 78 Unfortunately there was no portable way to 79 determine how many word lists were in the search order. 80 81 <P> 82 83 ANS Forth has removed the word CONTEXT because in many systems its 84 contents refer to more than one word list, compounding portability 85 problems. 86 87 <P> 88 89 Note that : 90 (<a href=dpans6.htm#6.1.0450>colon</a>) 91 no longer affects the search order. The previous 92 behavior, where the compilation word list replaces the first word list 93 of the search order, can be emulated with the following redefinition of 94 : (colon). 95 96 <PRE> 97 : : GET-ORDER SWAP DROP GET-CURRENT SWAP SET-ORDER : ; 98 </PRE> 99 <P> 100 101 102 103 <hr> 104 <A name=A.16.2> 105 <H3>A.16.2 Additional terms</H3> 106 </a> 107 108 <DL> 109 <DT><b>search order</b> 110 <DD>Note that the use of the term <B>list</B> does not necessarily imply 111 implementation as a linked list.</DL> 112 113 <P> 114 115 116 <hr> 117 <A name=A.16.3.3> 118 <H4>A.16.3.3 Finding definition names</H4> 119 </a> 120 121 In other words, the following is not guaranteed to work: 122 123 <PRE> 124 : FOO ... [ ... SET-CURRENT ] ... RECURSE ... ; IMMEDIATE 125 </PRE> 126 127 <a href=dpans6.htm#6.1.2120>RECURSE</a>, 128 ; (<a href=dpans6.htm#6.1.0460>semicolon</a>), and 129 <a href=dpans6.htm#6.1.1710>IMMEDIATE</a> 130 may or may not need information stored 131 in the compilation word list. 132 133 <P> 134 135 136 <hr> 137 <A name=A.16.6> 138 <H3>A.16.6 Glossary</H3> 139 </a> 140 141 142 143 <hr> 144 <A name=A.>A. SEARCH-WORDLIST</A> 145 <P> 146 147 The string argument to SEARCH-WORDLIST is represented by c-addr u, 148 rather than by just c-addr as with 149 <a href=dpans6.htm#6.1.1550>FIND</a>. 150 The committee wishes to 151 establish c-addr u as the preferred representation of a string on the 152 stack, and has adopted that representation for all new functions that 153 accept string arguments. While this decision may cause the 154 implementation of SEARCH-WORDLIST to be somewhat more difficult in 155 existing systems, the committee feels that the additional difficulty is 156 minor. 157 158 <P> 159 160 When SEARCH-WORDLIST fails to find the word, it does not return the 161 string, as does FIND. This is in accordance with the general principle 162 that Forth words consume their arguments. 163 164 <P> 165 166 <hr> 167 <A name=A.>A. ALSO</A> 168 <P> 169 170 Here is an implementation of 171 ALSO/<a href=dpans16.htm#>ONLY</a> 172 in terms of the primitive 173 search-order word set. 174 175 176 <PRE> 177 WORDLIST CONSTANT ROOT ROOT SET-CURRENT 178 179 : DO-VOCABULARY ( -- ) \ Implementation factor 180 DOES> @ >R ( ) ( R: widnew ) 181 GET-ORDER SWAP DROP ( wid1 ... widn-1 n ) 182 R> SWAP SET-ORDER 183 ; 184 185 : DISCARD ( x1 .. xu u - ) \ Implementation factor 186 0 ?DO DROP LOOP \ DROP u+1 stack items 187 ; 188 189 CREATE FORTH FORTH-WORDLIST , DO-VOCABULARY 190 191 : VOCABULARY ( name -- ) WORDLIST CREATE , DO-VOCABULARY ; 192 193 : ALSO ( -- ) GET-ORDER OVER SWAP 1+ SET-ORDER ; 194 195 : PREVIOUS ( -- ) GET-ORDER SWAP DROP 1- SET-ORDER ; 196 197 : DEFINITIONS ( -- ) GET-ORDER OVER SET-CURRENT DISCARD ; 198 199 : ONLY ( -- ) ROOT ROOT 2 SET-ORDER ; 200 201 \ Forth-83 version; just removes ONLY 202 : SEAL ( -- ) GET-ORDER 1- SET-ORDER DROP ; 203 204 \ F83 and F-PC version; leaves only CONTEXT 205 : SEAL ( -- ) GET-ORDER OVER 1 SET-ORDER DISCARD ; 206 </PRE> 207 208 <P> 209 210 The preceding definition of ONLY in terms of a <B>ROOT</B> word list 211 follows F83 usage, and assumes that the default search order just 212 includes ROOT and 213 <a href=dpans16.htm#>FORTH</a>. 214 A more portable definition of FORTH and ONLY, 215 without the assumptions, is: 216 217 <PRE> 218 <omit the ... WORDLIST CONSTANT ROOT ... line> 219 220 CREATE FORTH GET-ORDER OVER , DISCARD DO-VOCABULARY 221 222 : ONLY ( -- ) -1 SET-ORDER ; 223 </PRE> 224 225 <P> 226 227 Here is a simple implementation of 228 <a href=dpans16.htm#>GET-ORDER</a> and 229 <a href=dpans16.htm#>SET-ORDER</a>, including a 230 corresponding definition of 231 <a href=dpans6.htm#6.1.1550>FIND</a>. The implementations of 232 <a href=dpans16.htm#>WORDLIST</a>, 233 <a href=dpans16.htm#>SEARCH-WORDLIST</a>, 234 <a href=dpans16.htm#>GET-CURRENT</a> and 235 <a href=dpans16.htm#>SET-CURRENT</a> 236 depend on system details 237 and are not given here. 238 239 <PRE> 240 16 CONSTANT #VOCS 241 242 VARIABLE #ORDER 243 244 CREATE CONTEXT #VOCS CELLS ALLOT 245 246 : GET-ORDER ( -- wid1 .. widn n ) 247 #ORDER @ 0 ?DO 248 #ORDER @ I - 1- CELLS CONTEXT + @ 249 LOOP 250 #ORDER @ 251 ; 252 253 : SET-ORDER ( wid1 .. widn n -- ) 254 DUP -1 = IF 255 DROP <push system default word lists and n> 256 THEN 257 DUP #ORDER ! 258 0 ?DO I CELLS CONTEXT + ! LOOP 259 ; 260 261 : FIND ( c-addr -- c-addr 0 | w 1 | w -1 ) 262 0 ( c-addr 0 ) 263 #ORDER @ 0 ?DO 264 OVER COUNT ( c-addr 0 c-addr' u ) 265 I CELLS CONTEXT + @ ( c-addr 0 c-addr' u wid) 266 SEARCH-WORDLIST ( c-addr 0; 0 | w 1 | w -1 ) 267 ?DUP IF ( c-addr 0; w 1 | w -1 ) 268 2SWAP 2DROP LEAVE ( w 1 | w -1 ) 269 THEN ( c-addr 0 ) 270 LOOP ( c-addr 0 | w 1 | w -1 ) 271 ; 272 </PRE> 273 274 <P> 275 276 In an implementation where the dictionary search mechanism uses a hash 277 table or lookup cache to reduce the search time, SET-ORDER might need to 278 reconstruct the hash table or flush the cache. 279 280 <P> 281 282 <hr> 283 <A href=dpans.htm#toc><IMG src="up.gif" ></A> Table of Contents 284 <BR> 285 <A href=dpansa17.htm><IMG src="right.gif" ></A> 286 Next Section 287 <P> 288 </BODY> 289 </HTML>