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kernel72lite.fth (57782B)

      1 \ MPE High level ANS kernel for embedded systems
      3 ((
      4 Released for use with the MPE Forth Cross Compiler by:
      5 and copyright (c) 1998-2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012, 2013
      7 MicroProcessor Engineering
      8 133 Hill Lane
      9 Southampton SO15 5AF
     10 England
     12 tel: +44 (0)23 8063 1441
     13 fax: +44 (0)23 8033 9691
     14 net:
     16 web:
     19 To do
     20 =====
     21 Factor COLD into initialisation and Forth entry.
     23 Remove in-place usage of UPPER because it can cause writes to Flash.
     24 UCMOVE may be useful.
     26 Change NEXT-CASE to be compatible with VFX Forth.
     28 Remove uses of PAD where possible.
     30 Change error codes to ANS codes.
     33 Change history
     34 ==============
     35 20140122 SFP016 EMPTY ends with a reboot.
     36 20131219 SFP015 Removed WIDTH. Added ORG.
     37 		Rewrote NUMBER? and friends.
     38 20120825 SFP014 Converted to Lite form.
     39 20101215 SFP013 Made >NUMBER case-insensitive.
     40 20100623 MPE012 Changed POSTPONE to be smaller and less sensitive
     41 		to target architecture.
     42 20090704 MPE011 Improved overlap detection in MOVE so that we can
     43 		make better use of optimised CMOVEs, e.g. ARM.
     44 20081218 SFP010 Removed [IODEV and IODEV].
     45 		Added [IO and IO].
     46 20060307 MPE009 Added compiler macro for >THREADS.
     47 20040401 MPE008 Added NEXTCASE.
     48 20040225 MPE007 Bulletproofed PLACE.
     49 20040218 MPE006 Added SETCONSOLE for 32 bit systems.
     50 20030320 SFP005 Added FLUSHKEYS for 32 bit tagets.
     51                 Modified ACCEPT and HALT? to ignore LF characters.
     52 20020910 SFP004 Removed ERROR and ?ERROR
     53 20020704 SFP003 Corrected REPEAT - how did this survive so long?
     54 20011112 SFP002 Unmarked: start of DOCGEN documentation - an ongoing
     55                 process.
     56 20000614 SFP001 Unmarked reordering to reduce forward refs and size.
     57 ))
     60 \ =========
     61 \ *! kernel72lite
     62 \ *T High level kernel - kernel72lite.fth.
     63 \ =========
     64 \ *P The Forth kernel words documented here are entirely written
     65 \ ** in high-level Forth. The kernel is reduced in size to match
     66 \ ** available code size in small devices.
     68 only forth definitions
     69 decimal
     71 \ -----------------
     72 \ character equates
     73 \ -----------------
     75 $07 equ ABELL                           \ sound
     76 $08 equ BSIN                            \ back space from key
     77 $7F equ DELIN                           \ delete from key
     78 $08 equ BSOUT                           \ back space for emit
     79 $09 equ ATAB                            \ tab
     80 $0D equ ACR                             \ carriage return
     81 $0A equ ALF                             \ line feed
     82 $0C equ FFEED                           \ form feed
     83 $20 equ ABL                             \ space
     84 $2E equ ADOT                            \ .
     87 \ *****************
     88 \ *S User variables
     89 \ *****************
     91 internal
     92 variable next-user	\ -- addr
     93 \ *G Next valid offset for a *\fo{USER} variable created by *\fo{+USER}.
     94   next-user off
     95 external
     97 interpreter
     98 : +user-offset	\ -- offset ; user offset of next +USER allocation
     99   next-user @
    100 ;
    102 : +user		\ size --
    103 \ *G Used in the cross compiler to create a *\fo{USER} variable
    104 \ ** *\i{size} bytes long at the next available offset and
    105 \ ** updates that offset.
    106   next-user @ user
    107   next-user +!
    108 ;
    109 target
    111 tcb-size +user SELF		\ task identifier and TCB
    112 \ *G When multitasking is installed,
    113 \ ** the task control block for a task occupies *\fo{TCB-SIZE} bytes at
    114 \ ** the start of the user area. Thus the user area pointer
    115 \ ** also acts as a pointer to the task control block.
    116 +user-offset equ s0-offset
    117 cell +user S0		\ base of data stack
    118 \ *G Holds the initial setting of the data stack pointer.
    119 \ ** N.B. *\fo{S0}, *\fo{R0}, *\fo{#TIB} and *\fo{'TIB} must be
    120 \ ** defined in that order.
    121 +user-offset equ r0-offset
    122 cell +user R0           \ base of return stack
    123 \ *G Holds the initial setting of the return stack pointer.
    124 cell +user #TIB		\ number of chars currently in TIB
    125 \ *G Holds the number of characters currently in *\fo{TIB}.
    126 cell +user 'TIB		\ address of TIB
    127 \ *G Holds the address of *\fo{TIB}, the terminal input buffer.
    128 cell +user >IN		\ offset into TIB
    129 \ *G Holds the current character position being processed in the
    130 \ ** input stream.
    131 cell +user XON/XOFF	\ true if XON/XOFF protocol in use
    132 \ *G True when console is using XON/XOFF protocol.
    133 cell +user ECHOING	\ true if echoing
    134 \ *G True when console is echoing input characters.
    135 cell +user OUT		\ number of chars displayed on current line
    136 \ *G Holds the number of chars displayed on current output line.
    137 \ ** Reset by CR.
    138 \ ** internal
    139 cell +user BASE		\ current numeric conversion base
    140 \ *G Holds the current numeric conversion base.
    141 \ ** INTERNAL.
    142 cell +user HLD		\ used during number formatting
    143 \ *G Holds data used during number formatting.
    144 \ ** INTERNAL.
    145 cell +user HANDLER	\ used in catch and throw
    146 \ *G Holds the address of the previous exception frame.
    147 external
    148 cell +user DPL		\ position of double number character id
    149 \ *G Holds the number of characters after the double number indicator
    150 \ ** character. *\fo{DPL} is initialised to -1, which indicates a
    151 \ ** single number, and is incremented for each character after
    152 \ ** the separator.
    153 cell +user OPVEC	\ output vector
    154 \ *G Holds the address of the I/O vector for the current output device.
    155 cell +user IPVEC	\ input vector
    156 \ *G Holds the address of the I/O vector for the current input device.
    157 internal
    158 cell +user 'AbortText   \ Address of text from ABORT"
    159 \ *G Set by the run-time action of *\fo{ABORT"} to hold the address
    160 \ ** of the counted string used by *\fo{ABORT" <text>"}.
    161 external
    162 32bit? [if]		\ size of hold buffer
    163   #68 			\ depends on stack width in bits
    164 [else]
    165   #34
    166 [then]
    167 dup next-user +!  equ PICNUMSIZE
    168 #80 chars dup +user PAD
    169 \ *G A temporary string scratch buffer.
    170   equ PADSIZE
    172 cr ." Kernel USER area size is " next-user @ .
    175 \ **************
    176 \ *S System data
    177 \ **************
    179 \ ============
    180 \ *N Constants
    181 \ ============
    183 $20 constant BL	\ -- char
    184 \ *G A blank space character.
    186 $40 equ C/L				\ characters/line for display functions
    188 $11 equ XON                             \ XON for flow control
    189 $13 equ XOFF                            \ XOFF for flow control
    191 2 equ #VOCS                             \ maximum number of vocabularies in search order
    192 #VOCS cells equ VSIZE                   \ maximum size of search order area CONTEXT
    195 \ ============
    196 \ *N System variables and data
    197 \ ============
    198 \ *P Note that *\fo{FENCE}, *\fo{DP}, *\fo{RP} and *\fo{VOC-LINK}
    199 \ ** must be declared in that order.
    201 ihere equ DefStart	\ --addr
    202 \ +G Start address of saved Forth state.
    204 variable FENCE		\ -- addr
    205 \ *G End of the protected dictionary.
    206 variable DP		\ -- addr
    207 \ *G Flash dictionary pointer.
    208 variable RP		\ -- addr
    209 \ *G RAM dictionary pointer.
    210 internal
    211 variable VOC-LINK	\ -- addr
    212 \ *G An INTERNAL variable that links vocabularies.
    213 \ ** INTERNAL.
    214 variable CSP		\ -- addr
    215 \ +G Preserved stack pointer for compile time error checking.
    216 \ +* INTERNAL.
    217 external
    218 variable xDP  DP xDP !	\ -- addr
    219 \ *G Holds the address of the current dictionary pointer,
    220 \ ** *\fo{DP} or *\fo{RP}.
    221 internal
    222 variable STATE		\ -- addr
    223 \ +G Interpreting=0 or compiling=-1.
    224 variable CURRENT	\ -- addr
    225 \ +G Vocabulary/wordlist in which to put new definitions
    226 variable CONTEXT	\ -- addr
    227 \ +G Search order array.
    228   vsize cell - allot-ram \ search order array
    229 external
    230 variable LAST		\ -- addr
    231 \ *G Points to name field of last definition
    232 internal
    233 defer start-action	\ --
    234 \ +G The initial action of an application.
    235   assign noop to-do start-action
    236 vocabulary FORTH
    237 \ +G The standard general purpose vocabulary. INTERNAL.
    238 ' forth >body @ equ FORTH-WORDLIST	\ -- wid
    239 FORTH-WORDLIST @ 1+ cells equ /Forth-Wordlist	\ -- len
    241 ihere DefStart - equ /DefStart
    242 \ The initial kernel Forth state is saved in the first INFO sector.
    243 \ The application Forth state is saved in the second info sector.
    245 variable PrevName	\ -- addr
    246 \ +G Holds the name field of the previous word in the thread
    247 \ +* between *\fo{HIDE} and *\fo{REVEAL}
    249 external
    252 \ ========================
    253 \ *S Vectored I/O handling
    254 \ ========================
    256 \ ===============
    257 \ *N Introduction
    258 \ ===============
    259 \ *P The standard console Forth I/O words (*\fo{KEY?}, *\fo{KEY},
    260 \ ** *\fo{EMIT}, *\fo{TYPE} and *\fo{CR}) can be used with any I/O
    261 \ ** device by placing the address of a table of xts in the
    262 \ ** *\fo{USER} variables *\fo{IPVEC} and *\fo{OPVEC}. *\fo{IPVEC}
    263 \ ** (input vector) controls the actions of *\fo{KEY?} and *\fo{KEY},
    264 \ ** and *\fo{OPVEC}(output vector) controls the actions of *\fo{EMIT},
    265 \ ** *\fo{TYPE} and *\fo{CR}.
    266 \ ** Adding a new device is matter of writing the five primitives,
    267 \ ** building the table, and storing the address of the table in
    268 \ ** the pointers *\fo{IPVEC} and *\fo{OPVEC} to make the new
    269 \ ** device active. Any initialisation must be performed before
    270 \ ** the device is made active.
    272 \ *P Note that for the output words (*\fo{EMIT}, *\fo{TYPE} and
    273 \ ** *\fo{CR}) the *\fo{USER} variable *\fo{OUT} is handled in the
    274 \ ** kernel before the funtion in the table is called.
    276 \ ==========================
    277 \ *N Building a vector table
    278 \ ==========================
    279 \ *P The example below is taken from an ARM implementation.
    280 \ *E create Console1      \ -- addr
    281 \ **   ' serkey1i ,             \ -- char
    282 \ **   ' serkey?1i ,            \ -- flag
    283 \ **   ' seremit1 ,             \ char --
    284 \ **   ' sertype1 ,             \ c-addr len --
    285 \ **   ' serCR1 ,               \ --
    286 \ **
    287 \ ** Console1 opvec !  Console1 ipvec !
    289 \ ====================
    290 \ *N Generic I/O words
    291 \ ====================
    293 ((	\ easier to expand
    294 : ipfunc	\ n -- ; i*x -- j*x
    295   create
    296     cells ,
    297   does>
    298     @ ipvec @ + @ execute
    299 ;
    301 : opfunc	\ n -- ; i*x -- j*x
    302   create
    303     cells ,
    304   does>
    305     @ opvec @ + @ execute
    306 ;
    308 0 ipfunc KEY	\ -- char ; receive char
    309 1 ipfunc KEY?	\ -- flag ; check receive char
    310 2 opfunc EMIT	\ -- char ; display char
    311 3 opfunc TYPE	\ caddr len -- ; display string
    312 4 opfunc CR	\ -- ; display new line
    313 5 opfunc TYPEC	\ caddr len -- ; display string in code space (Harvard only)
    314 ))
    316 : key	        \ -- char ; receive char
    317 \ *G Wait until the current input device receives a character and
    318 \ ** return it.
    319   ipvec @ ( 0 cells + ) @ execute  ;
    320 : KEY?		\ -- flag ; check receive char
    321 \ *G Return true if a character is available at the current input
    322 \ ** device.
    323   ipvec @ cell+  @ execute  ;
    324 : EMIT		\ -- char ; display char
    325 \ *G Display char on the current I/O device. *\fo{OUT} is incremented
    326 \ ** before executing the vector function.
    327   1 out +!
    328   opvec @ [ 2 cells ] literal + @ execute  ;
    329 : TYPE		\ caddr len -- ; display string
    330 \ *G Display/write the string on the current output device.
    331 \ ** *\i{Len} is added to *\fo{OUT} before executing the vector
    332 \ ** function.
    333   dup out +!
    334   opvec @ [ 3 cells ] literal + @ execute  ;
    335 : CR		\ -- ; display new line
    336 \ *G Perform the equivalent of a CR/LF pair on the current output
    337 \ ** device. *\fo{OUT} is zeroed. before executing the vector
    338 \ ** function.
    339   out off
    340   opvec @ [ 4 cells ] literal + @ execute  ;
    342 : SPACE         \ --
    343 \ *G Output a blank space (ASCII 32) character.
    344   bl emit
    345 ;
    347 : SPACES        \ n --
    348 \ *G Output 'n' spaces, where 'n' > 0.
    349 \ ** If 'n' < 0, no action is taken.
    350   0 max 0 ?do  space  loop
    351 ;
    354 \ ************************
    355 \ *S Laying data in memory
    356 \ ************************
    357 \ *P These words are used to control and place data in memory.
    358 \ ** Note that the Forth system compiles headers and code into
    359 \ ** Flash memory.
    361 : HERE          \ -- addr
    362 \ *G Return the current dictionary pointer which is the first
    363 \ ** address-unit of free space within the system.
    364   xdp @ @
    365 ;
    367 : ORG		\ addr --
    368 \ *G Set the current dictionary pointer.
    369   xdp @ !
    370 ;
    372 : ALLOT         \ n --
    373 \ *G Allocate N address-units of data space from the current value of
    374 \ ** *\fo{HERE} and move the pointer.
    375   xdp @ +!
    376 ;
    378 : RHERE		\ -- addr
    379 \ *G Return the current RAM dictionary pointer.
    380   rp @
    381 ;
    383 : RALLOT         \ n --
    384 \ *G Allocate n bytes of RAM from *\fo{RHERE} and move the pointer.
    385   rp +!
    386 ;
    388 : ROM		\ --
    389 \ *G *\fo{HERE}, *\fo{ORG}, *\fo{ALLOT}, *\fo{,} and friends, are
    390 \ ** set to use the Flash dictionary pointer. This is the default.
    391   DP xDP !
    392 ;
    394 : RAM		\ --
    395 \ *G *\fo{HERE}, *\fo{ORG} and *\fo{ALLOT} are set to use
    396 \ ** the RAM dictionary pointer. Use in the form:
    397 \ *C   RAM ... ROM
    398   RP xDP !
    399 ;
    401 internal
    402 : [ROM		\ -- x
    403 \ +G Force ROM and save state.
    404   xDP @  ROM
    405 ;
    407 : ROM]		\ x --
    408 \ +G Restore ROM/RAM state.
    409   xDP !
    410 ;
    412 : ROM?		\ -- flag
    413 \ +G True if ROM set.
    414   xDP @ DP =
    415 ;
    416 external
    418 aligning? [if]
    419 [undefined] aligned [if]
    420 : aligned       \ addr -- addr'
    421 \ *G Given an address pointer this word will return the next
    422 \ ** *\fo{ALIGNED} address subject to system wide alignment
    423 \ ** restrictions.
    424   [ cell 1- ] literal +
    425   [ cell negate ] literal and
    426 ;
    427 [then]
    429 : ALIGN         \ --
    430 \ *G *\fo{ALIGN} dictionary pointer using the same rules as
    431 \ ** *\fo{ALIGNED}.
    432   here aligned org
    433 ;
    434 [else]
    435 : aligned       \ addr -- addr' ; NOOP on this system
    436 ; immediate
    438 : align		\ -- ; force alignment if required - NOOP on this system
    439 ; immediate
    441 compiler
    442 : aligned  ;
    443 : align  ;
    444 target
    445 [then]
    447 : ,             \ x --
    448 \ *G Place the CELL value X into the dictionary at *\fo{HERE} and
    449 \ ** increment the pointer.
    450   here !f  cell allot
    451 ;
    453 32bit? [if]
    454 : w,             \ x --
    455 \ *G Place the 16 bit value X into the dictionary at *\fo{HERE} and
    456 \ ** increment the pointer.
    457   here w!f  2 allot
    458 ;
    459 [then]
    461 : C,            \ b --
    462 \ *G Place an 8 bit byte into the dictionary at *\fo{HERE} and
    463 \ ** increment the pointer. Note that the STM32 Flash must be
    464 \ ** programmed two bytes at a time, so you cannot repeatedly
    465 \ ** use *\fo{C,} to program the Flash.
    466   here c!f  1 allot
    467 ;
    470 \ ************************
    471 \ *S Dictionary management
    472 \ ************************
    473 \ *P The Forth header is laid out as below. The start and end of
    474 \ ** the header are aligned at cell boundaries.
    475 \ *E Link | Count | <name>
    476 \ ** ----------------------
    477 \ ** Cell |  Byte | n Bytes
    478 \ ** ----------------------
    479 \ *D Link       Also called LFA. This field contains the address of the
    480 \ **            of the next count byte in the same thread of the wordlist.
    481 \ *D Count/Ctrl The bottom five bits contain the length (0..31)
    482 \ **            of the name in bytes. The top three bits are used
    483 \ **            as follows:
    484 \ *E            Bit 7    Always set
    485 \ **            Bit 6    Immediate bit (0=immediate)
    486 \ **            Bit 5    Reserved
    487 \ *D <name>     A string of ASCII characters which make up the
    488 \ **            name of the word..
    490 compiler
    491 : N>LINK        \ a-addr -- a-addr'
    492   cell-
    493 ;
    495 : LINK>N        \ a-addr -- a-addr'
    496   cell+
    497 ;
    499 : >#threads ;	\ -- ; compiler treats this as an immediate noop
    501 : >THREADS      \ wid -- a-addr ; MPE009
    502   >#threads cell+
    503 ;
    505 : >vocname
    506   cell-
    507 ;
    509 : >VOC-LINK     \ wid -- a-addr
    510   2 cells -
    511 ;
    513 : latest	( -- caddr ) Last @  ;
    515 target
    517 internal
    518 : LATEST        \ -- c-addr
    519 \ +G Return the address of the name field of the last definition.
    520   Last @
    521 ;
    523 : HIDE		\ --
    524 \ +G Unhook the last word from the current thread and save it
    525 \ +* in *\fo{PrevName}.
    526   Last @ dup PrevName !			\ save previous state
    527   n>link @ Last !			\ use previous word
    528 ;
    529 : REVEAL	\ --
    530 \ +G Relink the hidden word.
    531   PrevName @ Last !
    532 ;
    533 external
    535 -short-branches
    536 : FIND          \ c-addr -- c-addr 0|xt 1|xt -1
    537 \ *G Perform the *\fo{SEARCH-WORDLIST} operation on all wordlists
    538 \ ** within the current search order. This definition takes a
    539 \ ** counted string rather than a *\i{c-addr/u} pair. The counted
    540 \ ** string is returned as well as the 0 on failure.
    541   dup count upper                       \ make sure search text is upper case
    542   dup c@ if                             \ if there is any search text
    543     context vsize bounds		\  for all word lists in search order:
    544     do
    545       dup count i @ search-wordlist     \    search word list for text
    546       ?dup if                           \    if text is found then bail out now
    547         rot drop 			\      discard text address
    548 	unloop  exit
    549       then
    550     cell +loop
    551   then
    552   0
    553 ;
    554 +short-branches
    556 : .NAME         \ nfa --
    557 \ *G Display a definition's name given an NFA.
    558   count $1F and type space
    559 ;
    561 internal
    562 : header,	\ --
    563 \ +G Create a new header in the dictionary. INTERNAL
    564   bl word count  2dup upper		\ convert to upper case - must be in RAM
    565 \ check for redefinitions
    566   2dup current @ search-wordlist	\ see if name exists
    567   if  >name CR .NAME ." is redefined "  then
    568 \ form hash and create link
    569   align                                 \ force DP to even address
    570   over c@ over +			\ -- caddr len hash ; first char + count
    571   current @                             \ -- caddr len hash wid ; get wid = voc-cfa
    572   dup >#threads @ 1- rot and cells      \ mask for #threads
    573   swap >threads +                       \ -- caddr len thread ; form thread addr
    574   dup @ ,                               \ lay old thread ; thread is in RAM
    575   here swap !				\ -- caddr len ; link this word - here is new NFA
    576 \ lay count + string
    577   here last !                           \ NFA of latest word
    578   swap 1- swap 1+			\ -- caddr' len' ; step back to count byte
    579   immheader @				\ see if word must be immediate
    580   if  $80  else  $C0  endif		\ -- caddr len mask
    581   2 pick bor!				\ set bits 7 and 6 in count byte
    582   immheader off
    583   bounds ?do  i w@ w,  2 +loop		\ STM32 Flash has to be programmed in 16 bit units
    584   align					\ xt must be even
    585 ;
    587 : dataAddr,	\ flag --
    588 \ +G Lay the data address for a defining word where the flag is
    589 \ +* true for compiling to Flash.
    590   if  dp @ cell +  else  rp @  endif
    591   ,
    592 ;
    593 external
    595 ((
    596 : IMMEDIATE     \ --
    597  \ *G Mark the last defined word as *\fo{IMMEDIATE}. Immediate
    598  \ ** words will execute whenever encountered regardless of
    599  \ ** *\fo{STATE}.
    600   $40 last @ bbic!			\ bit 6 := 0
    601 ;
    602 ))
    605 \ ---------------------
    606 \ *S String compilation
    607 \ ---------------------
    609 internal
    610 : (C")          \ -- c-addr
    611 \ *G The run-time action for *\fo{C"} which returns the address of and
    612 \ ** steps over a counted string.
    613 \ ** INTERNAL.
    614   (")
    615 ;
    617 : (S")          \ -- c-addr u
    618 \ *G The run-time action for *\fo{S"} which returns the address and
    619 \ ** length of and steps over a string.
    620 \ ** INTERNAL.
    621   (") count
    622 ;
    624 : (ABORT")      \ i*x x1 -- | i*x
    625 \ *G The run time action of *\fo{ABORT"}.
    626 \ ** INTERNAL.
    627   (") swap if
    628     'AbortText !  -2 throw
    629   else
    630     drop
    631   then
    632 ;
    634 : (.")          \ --
    635 \ *G The run-time action of *\fo{."}.
    636 \ ** INTERNAL.
    637   (") count type
    638 ;
    639 external
    642 \ ============================
    643 \ *S ANS words CATCH and THROW
    644 \ ============================
    645 \ *P *\fo{CATCH} and *\fo{THROW} form the basis of all Forth error
    646 \ ** handling. The following description of *\fo{CATCH} and
    647 \ ** *\fo{THROW} originates with Mitch Bradley and is taken from
    648 \ ** an ANS Forth standard draft.
    650 \ *P *\fo{CATCH} and *\fo{THROW} provide a reliable mechanism for
    651 \ ** handling exceptions, without having to propagate exception
    652 \ ** flags through multiple levels of word nesting. It is similar
    653 \ ** in spirit to the "non-local return" mechanisms of many other
    654 \ ** languages, such as C's *\b{setjmp()} and *\b{longjmp()},
    655 \ ** and LISP's *\b{CATCH} and *\b{THROW}. In the Forth context,
    656 \ ** *\fo{THROW} may be described as a "multi-level EXIT", with
    657 \ ** *\fo{CATCH} marking a location to which a *\fo{THROW} may return.
    659 \ *P Several similar Forth "multi-level EXIT" exception-handling
    660 \ ** schemes have been described and used in past years. It is not
    661 \ ** possible to implement such a scheme using only standard words
    662 \ ** (other than *\fo{CATCH} and *\fo{THROW}), because there is no
    663 \ ** portable way to "unwind" the return stack to a predetermined
    664 \ ** place.
    666 \ *P *\fo{THROW} also provides a convenient implementation technique
    667 \ ** for the standard words *\fo{ABORT} and *\fo{ABORT"}, allowing
    668 \ ** an application to define, through the use of *\fo{CATCH}, the
    669 \ ** behavior in the event of a system abort.
    671 \ ==============
    672 \ *N Example use
    673 \ ==============
    674 \ *P If *\fo{THROW} is executed with a non zero argument, the
    675 \ ** effect is as if the corresponding *\fo{CATCH} had returned it.
    676 \ ** In that case, the stack depth is the same as it was just
    677 \ ** before *\fo{CATCH} began execution.
    678 \ ** The values of the i*x stack arguments could have been modified
    679 \ ** arbitrarily during the execution of xt.  In general, nothing useful
    680 \ ** may be done with those stack items, but since their number is known
    681 \ ** (because the stack depth is deterministic), the application may
    682 \ ** *\fo{DROP} them to return to a predictable stack state.
    684 \ *P Typical use:
    685 \ *E : could-fail	\ -- char
    686 \ **   KEY DUP [CHAR] Q =
    687 \ **   IF  1 THROW  THEN
    688 \ ** ;
    689 \ **
    690 \ ** : do-it		\ a b -- c
    691 \ **   2DROP could-fail
    692 \ ** ;
    693 \ **
    694 \ ** : try-it		\ --
    695 \ **   1 2 ['] do-it CATCH IF
    696 \ **     ( -- x1 x2 ) 2DROP ." There was an exception" CR
    697 \ **   ELSE
    698 \ **     ." The character was " EMIT CR
    699 \ **   THEN
    700 \ ** ;
    701 \ **
    702 \ ** : retry-it		\ --
    703 \ **   BEGIN
    704 \ **     1 2 ['] do-it CATCH
    705 \ **    WHILE
    706 \ **     ( -- x1 x2 ) 2DROP  ." Exception, keep trying" CR
    707 \ **   REPEAT ( char )
    708 \ **   ." The character was " EMIT CR
    709 \ ** ;
    711 \ ==========
    712 \ *N Gotchas
    713 \ ==========
    714 \ *P If a *\fo{THROW} is performed without a *\fo{CATCH} in place,
    715 \ ** the system will/may crash. As the current exception frame
    716 \ ** is pointed to by the *\fo{USER} variable *\fo{HANDLER},
    717 \ ** each task and interrupt handler will need a *\fo{CATCH} if
    718 \ ** *\fo{THROW} is used inside it.
    720 \ *P You can no longer use *\fo{ABORT} as a way of resetting the
    721 \ ** data stack and calling *\fo{QUIT}. *\fo{ABORT} is now defined
    722 \ ** as *\fo{-1 THROW}.
    724 \ =============
    725 \ *N User words
    726 \ =============
    728 : CATCH         \ i*x xt -- j*x 0|i*x n
    729 \ *G Execute the code at XT with an exception frame protecting it.
    730 \ ** *\fo{CATCH} returns a 0 if no error has occurred, otherwise it
    731 \ ** returns the throw-code passed to the last *\fo{THROW}.
    732   sp@ >r                                \ save PSP
    733   lp@ >r				\ save LP
    734   handler @ >r                          \ and last handler
    735   rp@ handler !                         \ set new handler
    736   execute                               \ this gets back if there's no THROW
    737   r> handler !                          \ restore previous handler
    738   r> drop				\ discard saved LP
    739   r> drop                               \ discard saved PSP
    740   0                                     \ good exit = 0
    741 ;
    743 : THROW         \ k*x n -- k*x|i*x n
    744 \ *G Throw a non-zero exception code n back to the last *\fo{CATCH}
    745 \ ** call. If n is 0, no action is taken except to *\fo{DROP} n.
    746   ?dup 0= if  exit  then		\ zero = no throw
    747   handler @ rp!				\ restore last RSP
    748   r> handler !				\ restore prev handler
    749   r> lp!				\ restore LP
    750   r> swap >r				\ n > RS
    751   sp! drop r>				\ restore DS
    752 					\ Returns to caller of CATCH
    753 ;
    755 : ?throw        \ flag throw-code -- ; SFP017
    756 \ *G Perform a *\fo{THROW} of value throw-code if flag is non-zero,
    757 \ ** otherwise do nothing except discard flag and throw-code.
    758   swap
    759   if  throw  else  drop  endif
    760 ;
    762 : ABORT"        \ Comp: "ccc<quote>" -- ; Run: i*x x1 -- | i*x ; R: j*x -- | j*x
    763 \ *G If x1 is non-zero at run-time, store the address of the
    764 \ ** following counted string in *\fo{USER} variable *\fo{'ABORTTEXT},
    765 \ ** and perform *\fo{-2 THROW}. The text interpreter in *\fo{QUIT}
    766 \ ** will (if reached) display the text.
    767   ?comp  compile (abort")  ",
    768 ; IMMEDIATE
    771 \ ********************************
    772 \ *S Formatted and unformatted i/o
    773 \ ********************************
    775 \ =======================
    776 \ *N Setting number bases
    777 \ =======================
    779 : HEX           \ --
    780 \ *G Change current radix to base 16.
    781   #16 base !
    782 ;
    784 : DECIMAL       \ --
    785 \ *G Change current radix to base 10.
    786   #10 base !
    787 ;
    789 compiler
    790 : binary	( -- )  2 base !  ;
    791 target
    793 \ =================
    794 \ *N Numeric output
    795 \ =================
    797 : HOLD          \ char --
    798 \ *G Insert the ASCII 'char' value into the pictured numeric output
    799 \ ** string currently being assembled.
    800   -1 hld +!  hld @ c!
    801 ;
    803 ((
    804 : SIGN          \ n --
    805  \ *G Insert the ascii 'minus' symbol into the numeric output string if
    806  \ ** 'n' is negative.
    807   0< if  [char] - hold  then
    808 ;
    809 ))
    811 : #             \ ud1 -- ud2
    812 ( *G Given a double number on the stack this will add the next digit to )
    813 ( ** the pictured numeric output buffer and return the next double      )
    814 ( ** number to work with. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE NUMERIC OP STRING IS     )
    815 \ ** BUILT FROM RIGHT (l.s. ddigit) to LEFT (m.s. digit).
    816   base @ mu/mod rot 9 over <
    817   if  7 +  then
    818   [char] 0 + hold
    819 ;
    821 : #S            \ ud1 -- ud2
    822 \ *G Keep performing *\fo{#} until all digits are generated.
    823   begin  #  2dup or 0=  until
    824 ;
    826 : <#            \ --
    827 ( *G Begin definition of a new numeric output string buffer.            )
    828   pad hld !
    829 ;
    831 : #>            \ xd -- c-addr u
    832 \ *G Terminate defnition of a numeric output string. Return the
    833 \ ** address and length of the ASCII string.
    834   2drop  hld @ pad over -  ;
    836 ((
    837 : -TRAILING     \ c-addr u1 -- c-addr u2
    838  \ *G Modify a string address/length pair to ignore any trailing spaces.
    839   dup 0 ?do
    840     2dup + 1- c@ bl <> ?leave
    841     1-
    842   loop
    843 ;
    844 ))
    846 : D.R           \ d n --
    847 \ *G Output the double number 'd' using current radix, right justified
    848 \ ** to 'n' characters. Padding is inserted using spaces on the left
    849 \ ** side.
    850   >r swap over dabs <#
    851     #s rot 0<
    852     if  [char] - hold  then
    853   #>
    854 \  >r swap over dabs <# #s rot sign #>
    855   r> over - spaces type
    856 ;
    858 : D.            \ d --
    859 \ *G Output the double number 'd' without padding.
    860   0 d.r space
    861 ;
    863 : .             \ n --
    864 \ *G Output the cell signed value 'n' without justification.
    865   s>d d.
    866 ;
    868 : U.            \ u --
    869 \ *G As with . but treat as unsigned.
    870   0 d.
    871 ;
    873 ((
    874 : U.R           \ u n --
    875  \ *G As with D.R but uses a single-unsigned cell value.
    876   0 swap d.r
    877 ;
    878 ))
    880 : .R            \ n1 n2 --
    881 \ *G As *\fo{D.R} but uses a single-signed cell value.
    882   >r s>d r> d.r
    883 ;
    886 \ ================
    887 \ *N Numeric input
    888 \ ================
    890 : +DIGIT        \ d1 n -- d2 ; accumulates digit into double accumulator
    891 \ *G Multiply d1 by the current radix and add n to it.
    892 \ ** INTERNAL.
    893   swap base @ um* drop                  \ accumulate into double
    894   rot base @ um*  d+
    895   ( 1 #d +! )  dpl @ 1+                     \ incr. #digits, double?
    896   if  1 dpl +!  then			\ yes, incr. after d.p.
    897 ;
    899 : >NUMBER       \ ud1 c-addr1 u1 -- ud2 c-addr2 u2 ; convert all until non-digits
    900 \ *G Accumulate digits from string c-addr1/u2 into double number ud1
    901 \ ** to produce ud2 until the first non-convertible character is found.
    902 \ ** c-addr2/u2 represents the remaining string with c-addr2 pointing
    903 \ ** the non-convertible character. The number base for conversion is
    904 \ ** defined by the contents of *\fo{USER} variable *\fo{BASE}.
    905 \ ** *\fo{>NUMBER} is case insensitive.
    906   dup 0 ?do
    907     over c@ upc base @ digit 0= ?leave	\ convert char to digit, get out if failed
    908     -rot 2>r +digit 2r>			\ accumulate digit
    909     1 /string				\ bump address, decr char count
    910   loop
    911 ;
    913 internal
    915 : (INTEGER?)	\ c-addr u -- d/n/- 2/1/0
    916 \ *G The guts of *\fo{INTEGER?} but without the base override handling.
    917 \ ** See *\fo{INTEGER?}
    918 \ ** INTERNAL.
    919   -1 dpl !  over c@ [char] - = dup >r
    920   if  1 /string  endif
    921   dup 1 < if  2drop 0  r> drop exit  endif
    922   0 0 2swap begin			\ -- d caddr len
    923     >number dup
    924    while
    925     1 /string  case  over 1- c@
    926       [char] : of  endof		\ ignore
    927       [char] . of  dpl off  endof	\ . for double numbers
    928         drop  2drop 2drop 0  r> drop exit
    929     endcase
    930   repeat
    931   2drop
    932 \  r> ?dnegate
    933   r> if  dnegate  then
    934   dpl @ 0<
    935   if  drop 1  else  2  endif
    936 ;
    938 : Check-Prefix  \ addr len -- addr' len'
    939 \ *G If any *\fo{BASE} override prefices or suffices are used
    940 \ ** in the input string, set *\fo{BASE} accordingly and return
    941 \ ** the string without the override characters.
    942 \ ** INTERNAL.
    943   Case  over c@                         \ get possible prefix char
    944     [char] $ Of 1 /string  hex     Endof \  $ for HEX
    945     [char] # Of 1 /string  decimal Endof \  # for DECIMAL
    946     [char] % Of 1 /string  binary  Endof \  % for BINARY
    947   EndCase
    948 ;
    950 external
    952 ((
    953 : number?	\ $addr -- n 1 | d 2 | 0
    954 \ *G Attempt to convert the counted string at 'addr' to an integer.
    955 \ ** The return result is either 0 for failed, 1 for a single-cell
    956 \ ** return result followed by that cell, or 2 for a double return.
    957 \ ** The ASCII number string supplied can also contain implicit radix
    958 \ ** over-rides. A leading $ enforces hexadecimal, a leading # enforces
    959 \ ** decimal and a leading % enforces binary.
    960   count dup if				\ if something to do
    961     2dup upper				\   convert to upper case
    962     base @ >r                           \   preserve current base
    963     check-prefix (integer?)             \   check prefix, convert to number
    964     r> base !                           \   restore base
    965   Else
    966     2drop  ( #l off )  0
    967   Endif
    968 ;
    969 ))
    970 : integer?	\ $addr -- n 1 | d 2 | 0
    971 \ *G Attempt to convert the counted string at 'addr' to an integer.
    972 \ ** The return result is either 0 for failed, 1 for a single-cell
    973 \ ** return result followed by that cell, or 2 for a double return.
    974 \ ** The ASCII number string supplied can also contain implicit radix
    975 \ ** over-rides. A leading $ enforces hexadecimal, a leading # enforces
    976 \ ** decimal and a leading % enforces binary.
    977   count dup if				\ if something to do
    978     2dup upper				\   convert to upper case
    979     base @ >r                           \   preserve current base
    980     check-prefix (integer?)             \   check prefix, convert to number
    981     r> base !                           \   restore base
    982   Else
    983     2drop  ( #l off )  0
    984   Endif
    985 ;
    987 defer number?	\ $addr -- n 1 | d 2 | 0
    988   assign integer? to-do number?
    989 \ ==========================
    990 \ *S String input and output
    991 \ ==========================
    993 internal
    995 : BS            \ -- ; destructive backspace
    996 \ *G Perform a destructive backspace by issuing ASCII characters
    997 \ ** 8, 20h, 8. If *\fo{OUT} is non-zero at the start, it is decremented
    998 \ ** by one regardless of the actions of the device driver.
    999 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1000   out @ ?dup if
   1001     bsout emit  space  bsout emit
   1002     1- out !
   1003   then
   1004 ;
   1006 : ?BS           \ pos -- pos' step ; perform BS if pos non-zero
   1007 \ *G If pos is non-zero and *\fo{ECHOING} is set, perform *\fo{BS}
   1008 \ ** and return the size of the step, 0 or -1.
   1009 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1010   dup 0<>  echoing @ 0<>  and if        \ pos non-zero and echo
   1011     bs 1- -1                            \   perform backspace
   1012   else
   1013     0                                   \   no
   1014   then
   1015 ;
   1017 : SAVE-CH       \ char addr -- ; save as required
   1018 \ *G Save char at addr, and output the character if
   1019 \ ** *\fo{ECHOING} is set.
   1020 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1021   over swap c!				\ stash character
   1022   echoing @                             \ echo it?
   1023   if  emit  else  drop  then            \ process accordingly
   1024 ;
   1026 external
   1028 : ."            \ "ccc<quote>" --
   1029 \ *G Output the text upto the closing double-quotes character.
   1030 \ ** Use *\fo{.( <text>)} when interpreting.
   1031   ['] (.") compile,  ",
   1032 ;
   1035 : $.            \ c-addr -- ; display counted string
   1036 \ *G Output a counted-string to the output device.
   1037   count type
   1038 ;
   1040 : ACCEPT	\ c-addr +n1 -- +n2 ; read up to LEN chars into ADDR
   1041 \ *G Read a string of maximum size n1 characters to the buffer at
   1042 \ ** c-addr, returning n2 the number of characters actually read. Input
   1043 \ ** may be terminated by CR. The action may be input device specific.
   1044 \ ** If *\fo{ECHOING} is non-zero, characters are echoed.
   1045 \ ** If *\fo{XON/XOFF} is non-zero, an XON character is sent at the
   1046 \ ** start and an XOFF character is sent at the the end.
   1047   dup 0=				\ check for pathological case
   1048   if  nip exit  then
   1049   xon/xoff @ if  xon emit  then         \ enable server
   1050   0 -rot bounds                         \ form address limits
   1051   ?do
   1052     case key                            \ get character
   1053       bsin  of ?bs               endof  \ BS
   1054       atab  of bl i save-ch 1+ 1 endof  \ TAB, convert to space
   1055 \      alf   of bl i save-ch 1+ 1 endof  \ LF, convert to space
   1056       alf   of 0 endof			\ LF, ignore
   1057       acr   of bl i save-ch  leave endof  \ CR
   1058       ffeed of bl i save-ch  leave endof  \ FF, treat like CR
   1059       delin of ?bs               endof  \ DEL
   1060              i save-ch  1+ 1 0		\ stash char, echo it?
   1061     endcase
   1062   +loop                                 \ round again
   1063   xon/xoff @ if  xoff emit  then        \ disable server
   1064 ;
   1067 \ ***********************
   1068 \ *S Source input control
   1069 \ ***********************
   1071 internal
   1072 variable <source>
   1074 : SOURCE-ID	\ -- n ; indicates input source
   1075 \ *G Returns an indicator of which device is generating
   1076 \ ** source input. See the ANS specification for more details.
   1077   <source> @
   1078 ;
   1080 compiler
   1081 : SOURCE-ID	( -- n )  <source> @  ;
   1082 : TO-SOURCE	( c-addr u -- )  #tib !  'tib !  ;
   1083 target
   1085 internal
   1086 : SOURCE        \ -- c-addr u
   1087 \ *G Returns the address and length of the current terminal input
   1088 \ ** buffer.
   1089 \ ** INTERNAL
   1090   'tib @  #tib @
   1091 ;
   1092 external
   1094 : QUERY         \ -- ; fetch line into TIB
   1095 ( *G Reset the input source specification to the console and accept a   )
   1096 ( ** line of text into the input buffer.                                )
   1097   0 <source> !                          \ mark source as keyboard
   1098   'tib @ tib-len 1- accept #tib !	\ "tib-len 1-" was #80
   1099   >in off
   1100 ;
   1103 \ ================
   1104 \ *S Text scanning
   1105 \ ================
   1107 : PARSE         \ char "ccc<char>" -- c-addr u
   1108 \ *G Parse the next token from the terminal input buffer using
   1109 \ ** <char> as the delimiter. The next token is returned as a
   1110 \ ** *\fo{c-addr/u} string description. Note that *\fo{PARSE} does
   1111 \ ** not skip leading delimiters. If you need to skip leading
   1112 \ ** delimiters, use *\fo{PARSE-WORD} instead.
   1113   >r
   1114   source >in @ /string                  \ remainder of input is substring
   1115   over swap r> scan                     \ look for char
   1116   >r over -                             \ subtract addresses to get length
   1117   dup r> 0<> -                          \ if string found then bump >IN past char
   1118   >in +!                                \ update >IN to reflect parsed text
   1119 ;
   1121 internal
   1122 : PARSE-WORD    \ char -- c-addr u ; find token, skip leading chars
   1123 \ *G An alternative to *\fo{WORD} below. The return is a
   1124 \ ** *\i{c-addr/u} pair rather than a counted string and no copy
   1125 \ ** has occured, i.e. the contents of *\fo{HERE} are unaffected.
   1126 \ ** Because no intermediate global buffers are used *\fo{PARSE-WORD}
   1127 \ ** is more reliable than *\fo{WORD} for text scanning in multi-threaded
   1128 \ ** applications.
   1129 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1130   >r  source tuck  >in @ /string
   1131   r@ skip  over swap r> scan
   1132   >r over -  rot r>  dup 0<> + - >in !
   1133 ;
   1134 external
   1136 : WORD          \ char "<chars>ccc<char>" -- c-addr
   1137 \ *G Similar behaviour to the ANS word *\fo{PARSE} but the returned
   1138 \ ** string is described as a counted string.
   1139   parse-word  rp @ place  rp @
   1140 ;
   1143 \ ----------------
   1144 \ *S Miscellaneous
   1145 \ ----------------
   1147 internal
   1149 : HALT?         \ -- flag
   1150  \ *G Used in listed displays. This word will check the keyboard for a
   1151  \ ** 'pause' key <space>, if the key is pressed it will then wait for
   1152  \ ** a continue key or an abort key. The return flag is TRUE if abort
   1153  \ ** is requested. Line Feed (LF, ASCII 10) characters are ignored.
   1154   key? dup 0=				\ key not pressed?
   1155   if  exit  endif
   1156   key bl = if				\ space?
   1157     drop				\   chuck previous flag
   1158     key bl <>				\   get second char
   1159   then
   1160 ;
   1162 origin [if]	\ only if ORIGIN is non-zero
   1163 : origin-	\ addr -- addr'
   1164 \ +G If addr is non-zero, subtract the start address of the first
   1165 \ +* defined CDATA section.
   1166 \ +* This word is only compiled if the start address of the first
   1167 \ +* defined CDATA section is non-zero.
   1168 \ +* INTERNAL.
   1169   dup if  origin -  then                \ normalize if non-zero
   1170 ;
   1172 compiler
   1173 : origin+	\ addr -- addr' ; denormalise NFA again
   1174 \ +G If addr is non-zero, add the start address of the first
   1175 \ +* defined CDATA section.
   1176 \ +* This word is only compiled if the start address of the first
   1177 \ +* defined CDATA section is non-zero.
   1178 \ +* INTERNAL.
   1179   dup if  origin +  then		\ normalize if non-zero
   1180 ;
   1181 target
   1182 [else]
   1183 compiler	\ treat these as immediate noops
   1184 : origin-  ;
   1185 : origin+  ;
   1186 target
   1187 [then]
   1189 : nfa-buff      \ -- addr+len addr ; make a buffer for holding NFAs
   1190 \ +G Form a temporary buffer for holding NFAs. A factor for
   1191 \ +* *\fo{WORDS}.
   1192 \ +* INTERNAL.
   1193   pad                                   \ buffer
   1194   context @ >#threads @ cells           \ length
   1195   bounds
   1196 ;
   1198 : MAX-NFA       \ -- addr c-addr ; returns addr and top nfa
   1199 \ +G Return the thread address and NFA of the highest word
   1200 \ +* in the NFA buffer. A factor for *\fo{WORDS}.
   1201 \ +* INTERNAL.
   1202   0 0                                   \ clear result
   1203   nfa-buff do
   1204     i @  over u> if			\ if greater
   1205       2drop  i  i @                     \ replace current set
   1206     then
   1207   cell +loop                            \ step on
   1208   origin+				\ de-normalize
   1209 ;
   1211 : COPY-THREADS  \ addr --
   1212 \ +G Copy the threads of the *\fo{CONTEXT} wordlist to a
   1213 \ +* temporary NFA buffer for manipulation. A factor for
   1214 \ +* *\fo{WORDS}.
   1215 \ +* INTERNAL.
   1216   context @ >threads                    \ source
   1217   nfa-buff do                           \ destination/len
   1218     dup @ origin- i !
   1219     cell+
   1220   cell +loop                            \ copy and normalise
   1221   drop                                  \ discard source addr
   1222 ;
   1224 external
   1226 : WORDS         \ --
   1227 \ *G Display the names of all definitions in the wordlist at the
   1228 \ ** top of the search-order.
   1229 cr ." WORDS "
   1230   cr                                    \ set up
   1231   copy-threads                          \ copy out & normalize
   1232   begin
   1233     max-nfa dup                         \ while still one left
   1234     halt? 0= and                        \ and no stop command
   1235    while
   1236     out @ c/l > if  cr  then            \ new line if needed
   1237     dup .name                           \ show name
   1238     n>link @ origin- swap !		\ find next
   1239   repeat
   1240   2drop
   1241 ;
   1243 : MOVE          \ addr1 addr2 u -- ; intelligent move
   1244 \ *G An intelligent memory move, chooses between *\fo{CMOVE} and
   1245 \ ** *\fo{CMOVE>} at runtime to avoid memory overlap problems.
   1246 \ ** Note that as ROM PowerForth characters are 8 bit, there is
   1247 \ ** an implicit connection between a byte and a character.
   1248   >r  2dup swap - r@ u< if		\ overlap if dest-src<len ; MPE011
   1249     r> cmove>				\ move down
   1250   else
   1251     r> cmove				\ move up
   1252   then
   1253 ;
   1255 : DEPTH         \ ??? -- +n
   1256 \ *G Return the number of items on the data stack.
   1257   s0 @ sp@ - cell - cell /
   1258 ;
   1261 \ -------------------
   1262 \ *S Wordlist control
   1263 \ -------------------
   1265 \ Cortex
   1266 asmcode
   1267 here is-action-of vocabulary	\ --
   1268 \ *G The runtime action of a *\fo{VOCABULARY}.
   1269   mov		r0, lr			\ point to data address
   1270   sub .s	r0, r0, # 1		\ remove Thumb bit
   1271   ldr		r2, [ r0, # 0 ]		\ data address
   1272   ldr		r2, [ r2, # 0 ]		\ get wid
   1273   ldr		r3, ^context		\ address of context
   1274   str		r2, [ r3, # 0 ]		\ store WID at CONTEXT
   1275   pop		{ pc }
   1276 end-code
   1277 align l: ^context
   1278   context ,
   1280 (( \ MSP430
   1281 asmcode
   1282 here is-action-of vocabulary	\ --
   1283  \ *G The runtime action of a *\fo{VOCABULARY}.
   1284   pop  r14              	\ get address of address
   1285   mov  @r14 r14			\ get address
   1286   mov  @r14 & context		\ set contents
   1287   ret
   1288 end-code
   1289 ))
   1292 \ ---------------------
   1293 \ *S Control structures
   1294 \ ---------------------
   1296 internal
   1297 : ?PAIRS        \ x1 x2 --
   1298 \ *G If x1<>x2, issue and error.
   1299 \ ** Used for on-target compile-time error checking.
   1300 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1301   <> #-22 ?throw
   1302 ;
   1304 : !CSP          \ x --
   1305 \ *G Save the stack pointer in *\fo{CSP}.
   1306 \ ** Used for on-target compile-time error checking.
   1307 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1308   sp@ csp !
   1309 ;
   1311 : ?CSP          \ --
   1312 \ *G Issue an error if the stack pointer is not the
   1313 \ ** same as the value previously stored in CSP.
   1314 \ ** Used for on-target compile-time error checking.
   1315 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1316   sp@ csp @ <> #-22 ?throw
   1317 ;
   1319 : ?COMP         \ --
   1320 \ *G Error if not in compile state.
   1321 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1322   state @ 0= #-14 ?throw
   1323 ;
   1325 : ?EXEC         \ --
   1326 \ *G Error if not interpreting.
   1327 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1328   state @ #-403 ?throw
   1329 ;
   1330 external
   1332 : DO            \ C: -- do-sys ; Run: n1|u1 n2|u2 -- ; R: -- loop-sys
   1333 \ *G Begin a *\fo{DO ... LOOP} construct. Takes the end-value and
   1334 \ ** start-value from the data-stack.
   1335   ?comp  c_do  3
   1336 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1338 : ?DO           \ C: -- do-sys ; Run: n1|u1 n2|u2 -- ; R: -- | loop-sys
   1339 \ *G Compile a *\fo{DO} which will only begin loop execution if the
   1340 \ ** loop parameters are not the same. Thus *\fo{0 0 ?DO ... LOOP}
   1341 \ ** will not execute the contents of the loop.
   1342   ?comp  c_?do  3
   1343 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1345 : LOOP          \ C: do-sys -- ; Run: -- ; R: loop-sys1 -- | loop-sys2
   1346 \ *G The closing statement of a *\fo{DO..LOOP} construct.
   1347 \ ** Increments the index and terminates when the index crosses
   1348 \ ** the limit.
   1349   ?comp  3 ?pairs  c_loop
   1350 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1352 : +LOOP         \ C: do-sys -- ; Run: n -- ; R: loop-sys1 -- | loop-sys2
   1353 \ *G As with *\fo{LOOP} except that you specify the increment on
   1354 \ ** the data-stack.
   1355   ?comp  3 ?pairs  c_+loop
   1356 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1358 : BEGIN         \ C: -- dest ; Run: --
   1359 \ *G Mark the start of a structure of the form:
   1360 \ *C   BEGIN..[while]..UNTIL / AGAIN / [REPEAT]
   1361   ?comp  c_mrk_branch<
   1362 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1364 : AGAIN         \ C: dest -- ; Run: --
   1365 \ *G The end of a *\fo{BEGIN..AGAIN} construct which specifies
   1366 \ ** an infinite loop.                                                              )
   1367   ?comp  c_branch<
   1368 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1370 : UNTIL         \ C: dest -- ; Run: x --
   1371 \ *G Compile code into definition which will jump back to the
   1372 \ ** matching *\fo{BEGIN} if the supplied condition flag is
   1373 \ ** Zero/FALSE.
   1374   ?comp  c_?branch<
   1375 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1377 : WHILE         \ C: dest -- orig dest ; Run: x --
   1378 \ *G Separate the condition test from the loop code in a
   1379 \ ** *\fo{BEGIN..WHILE..REPEAT} block.
   1380   ?comp  c_?branch> swap
   1381 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1383 : REPEAT        \ C: orig dest -- ; Run: --
   1384 \ *G Loop back to the conditional dest code in a
   1385 \ ** *\fo{BEGIN..WHILE..REPEAT} construct.                                                         )
   1386   ?comp  c_branch<   >c_res_branch	\ SFP003
   1387 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1389 : IF            \ C: -- orig ; Run: x --
   1390 \ *G Mark the start of an *\fo{IF..[ELSE]..THEN} conditional
   1391 \ ** block.
   1392   ?comp  c_?branch>
   1393 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1395 : THEN          \ C: orig -- ; Run: --
   1396 \ *G Mark the end of an *\fo{IF..THEN} or *\fo{IF..ELSE..THEN}
   1397 \ ** conditional construct.
   1398   ?comp  >c_res_branch
   1399 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1401 : ELSE          \ C: orig1 -- orig2 ; Run: --
   1402 \ *G Begin the failure condition code for an *\fo{IF}.
   1403   ?comp  c_branch>  swap >c_res_branch
   1404 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1406 : CASE          \ C: -- case-sys ; Run: --
   1407 \ *G Begin a *\fo{CASE..ENDCASE} construct. Similar to C's
   1408 \ ** *\b{switch}.
   1409   ?comp  csp @  c_case  !csp  4
   1410 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1412 : OF            \ C: -- of-sys ; Run: x1 x2 -- | x1
   1413 \ *G Begin conditional block for *\fo{CASE}, executed when the
   1414 \ ** switch value is equal to the X2 value placed in TOS.
   1415   4 ?pairs  c_of  5
   1416 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1418 : ?OF           \ C: -- of-sys ; Run: flag --
   1419 \ *G Begin conditional block for *\fo{CASE}, executed when the flag
   1420 \ ** is true.
   1421   4 ?pairs  c_?of  5
   1422 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1424 : ENDOF         \ C: case-sys1 of-sys -- case-sys2 ; Run: --
   1425 \ *G Mark the end of an OF conditional block within a *\fo{CASE}
   1426 \ ** construct. Compile a jump past the *\fo{ENDCASE} marker at
   1427 \ ** the end of the construct.
   1428   5 ?pairs  c_endof  4
   1429 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1431 : ENDCASE       \ C: case-sys -- ; Run: x --
   1432 \ *G Terminate a *\fo{CASE..ENDCASE} construct. *\fo{DROP}s the
   1433 \ ** switch value from the stack.
   1434   4 ?pairs  c_endcase  csp !
   1435 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1437 : NEXTCASE      \ C: case-sys -- ; Run: x --
   1438 \ *G Terminate a *\fo{CASE..NEXTCASE} construct. *\fo{DROP}s the
   1439 \ ** switch value from the stack and compiles a branch back to the
   1440 \ ** top of the loop at *\fo{CASE}.
   1441   4 ?pairs   c_nextcase  csp !
   1442 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1444 : RECURSE       \ Comp: --
   1445 \ *G Compile a recursive call to the colon definition containing
   1446 \ ** *\fo{RECURSE} itself. Do not use *\fo{RECURSE} between
   1447 \ ** *\fo{DOES>} and *\fo{;}. Used in the form:
   1448 \ *C : foo  ... recurse ... ;
   1449 \ *P to compile a reference to *\fo{FOO} from inside *\fo{FOO}.
   1450   Last @ name> compile,
   1451 ;  IMMEDIATE
   1454 \ **********************************
   1455 \ *S Target interpreter and compiler
   1456 \ **********************************
   1458 internal
   1459 : ?STACK        \ --
   1460 \ *G Error if stack pointer out of range.
   1461 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1462   sp@ s0 @ u> #-4 ?throw
   1463 ;
   1465 : ?UNDEF        \ x --
   1466 \ *G Word not defined error if x=0.
   1467 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1468   0= #-13 ?throw
   1469 ;
   1470 external
   1472 : POSTPONE      \ Comp: "<spaces>name" --
   1473 \ *G Compile a reference to another word. *\fo{POSTPONE} can handle
   1474 \ ** compilation of *\fo{IMMEDIATE} words which would otherwise be
   1475 \ ** executed during compilation.
   1476   bl word find dup ?undef		\ it is a name
   1477   -1 = if				\ if non-immediate
   1478     [compile] literal  ['] compile,	\ lay "lit xt  compile,"
   1479   then
   1480   compile,				\ immediate word will be compiled now
   1481 ; IMMEDIATE
   1483 : S"            \ Comp: "ccc<quote>" -- ; Run: -- c-addr u
   1484 \ *G Describe a string. Text is taken up to the next double-quote
   1485 \ ** character. The address and length of the string are returned.
   1486   state @ if
   1487     compile (s") ",
   1488   else
   1489    [char] " parse  pad place  pad count
   1490   then
   1491 ; IMMEDIATE
   1493 : C"            \ Comp: "ccc<quote>" -- ; Run: -- c-addr
   1494 \ *G As *\fo{S"} except the address of a counted string is returned.
   1495   state @ if
   1496     compile (c") ",
   1497   else
   1498     [char] " parse  pad place  pad
   1499   then
   1500 ;
   1503 : LITERAL       \ Comp: x -- ; Run: -- x
   1504 \ *G Compile a literal into the current definition. Usually used
   1505 \ ** in the form *\fo{[ <expression ] LITERAL} inside a colon
   1506 \ ** definition. Note that *\fo{LITERAL} is *\fo{IMMEDIATE}.
   1507   c_lit
   1508 ;
   1511 : CHAR          \ "<spaces>name" -- char
   1512 ( *G Return the first character of the next token in the input stream.	)
   1513 ( ** Usually used to avoid magic numbers in the source code.		)
   1514   bl word 1+ c@
   1515 ;
   1517 : [CHAR]        \ Comp: "<spaces>name" -- ; Run: -- char
   1518 ( *G Compile the first character of the next token in the input stream	)
   1519 ( ** as a literal. Usually used to avoid magic numbers in the source 	)
   1520 ( ** code.								)
   1521   ?comp  char [compile] literal
   1522 ;
   1525 : [             \ --
   1526 \ *G Switch compiler into interpreter state.
   1527   state off
   1528 ;
   1531 : ]             \ --
   1532 \ *G Switch compiler into compilation state.
   1533   state on
   1534 ;
   1536 : '             \ "<spaces>name" -- xt
   1537 \ *G Find the xt of the next word in the input stream. An error occurs
   1538 \ ** if the xt cannot be found.
   1539   bl word find ?undef
   1540 ;
   1542 : [']           \ Comp: "<spaces>name" -- ; Run: -- xt
   1543 \ *G Find the xt of the next word in the input stream, and compile it
   1544 \ ** as a literal. An error occurs if the xt cannot be found.
   1545   ' [compile] literal
   1546 ;
   1549 : [COMPILE]     \ "<spaces>name" --
   1550 \ *G Compile the next word in the input stream. *\fo{[COMPILE]}
   1551 \ ** ignores the *\fo{IMMEDIATE} state of the word. Its operation
   1552 \ ** is mostly superceded by *\fo{POSTPONE}.
   1553   ' compile,
   1554 ;
   1557 : (             \ "ccc<paren>" --
   1558 \ *G Begin an inline comment. All text upto the closing bracket is
   1559 \ ** ignored.
   1560   [char] ) word drop
   1561 ;
   1564 : \             \ "ccc<eol>" --
   1565 \ *G Begin a single-line comment. All text up to the end of the line is
   1566 \ ** ignored.
   1567   0 word drop				\   use variable length line
   1568 ;
   1571 : ",            \ "ccc<quote>" --
   1572 \ *G Parse text up to the closing quote and compile into the
   1573 \ ** dictionary at *\fo{HERE} as a counted string. The end of the
   1574 \ ** string is aligned.
   1575   [char] " word dup c@ 1+		\ addr len
   1576   bounds ?do  i w@ w,  2 +loop		\ STM32 Flash has to be programmed in 16 bit units
   1577   align
   1578 ;
   1580 internal
   1581 : (TO-DO)       \ -- ; R: xt -- a-addr'
   1582 \ *G The run-time action of *\fo{IS}. It is followed by the
   1583 \ ** data addres of the *\fo{DEFER}red word at which the xt is stored.
   1584 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1585   r> dup cell+ aligned >r
   1586   @ !
   1587 ;
   1588 external
   1590 : IS         \ "<spaces>name" --
   1591 \ *G The second part of the *\fo{ASSIGN xxx TO-DO yyy} construct.
   1592 \ ** This word will assign the given XT to be the action of a
   1593 \ ** *\fo{DEFER}ed word which is named in the input stream.
   1594   ' >body  state @ if
   1595     compile (to-do) ,
   1596   else
   1597     !
   1598   then
   1599 ;
   1602 : exit		\ R: nest-sys -- ; exit current definition
   1603 \ *G Compile code into the current definition to cause a definition to
   1604 \ ** terminate. This is the Forth equivalent to inserting an RTS/RET
   1605 \ ** instruction in the middle of an assembler subroutine.
   1606   ?comp  c_exit
   1607 ; immediate
   1609 : ;             \ C: colon-sys -- ; Run: -- ; R: nest-sys --
   1610 \ *G Complete the definition of a new 'colon' word or *\fo{:NONAME}
   1611 \ ** code block.
   1612   ?comp ?csp  c_exit
   1613   reveal [compile] [
   1614 ;
   1617 -short-branches
   1618 : INTERPRET     \ --
   1619 \ *G Process the current input line as if it is text entered at
   1620 \ ** the keyboard.
   1621   begin
   1622     ?stack  bl word dup c@
   1623   while
   1624     find ?dup if
   1625       0< state @ and
   1626       if  compile,  else  execute  then
   1627     else
   1628       number? ?dup ?undef
   1629       state @ if
   1630         case
   1631           1 of  c_lit  endof
   1632           2 of  swap c_lit c_lit  endof
   1633             #-13 throw
   1634         endcase
   1635       else
   1636         drop
   1637       then
   1638     then
   1639   repeat
   1640   drop
   1641 ;
   1642 +short-branches
   1644 : EVALUATE      \ i*x c-addr u -- j*x ; interpret the string
   1645 \ *G Process the supplied string as though it had been entered via the
   1646 \ ** interpreter.
   1647   'tib @ >r  #tib @ >r  >in @ >  source-id >r
   1648   to-source  -1 <source> !  >in off
   1649   ['] interpret catch
   1650   r> <source> !  r> >in !  r> #tib !  r> 'tib !
   1651   throw
   1652 ;
   1654 internal
   1655 : .throw	\ throw# --
   1656 \ *G Display the throw code. Values of 0 and -1 are ignored.
   1657   case
   1658      0 of  endof				\ quiet
   1659     -1 of  endof				\ quiet
   1660     -2 of  'AbortText @ count type  endof	\ ABORT" ..."
   1661     -13 of  ." is undefined"  endof
   1662        ." Throw code " .
   1663   end-case
   1664 ;
   1665 external
   1667 : QUIT		\ -- ; R: i*x --
   1668 \ *G Empty the return stack, store 0 in *\fo{SOURCE-ID}, and enter
   1669 \ ** interpretation state. *\fo{QUIT} repeatedly *\fo{ACCEPT}s a
   1670 \ ** line of input and *\fo{INTERPRET}s it, with a prompt if
   1671 \ ** interpreting and *\fo{ECHOING} is on. Note that any task that
   1672 \ ** uses *\fo{QUIT} must initialise *\fo{'TIB}, *\fo{BASE},
   1673 \ ** *\fo{IPVEC}, and *\fo{OPVEC}.
   1674   xon/xoff off  echoing on              \ No Xon/Xoff, do Echo
   1675   0 <source> !  [compile] [		\ set up
   1676   begin
   1677     r0 @ rp!                            \   reset return stack
   1678     echoing @ if  cr  then              \   if echoing enabled issue new line
   1679     query				\   get user input
   1680     ['] interpret catch ?dup 0= if	\   interpret line
   1681       state @ 0=  echoing @ 0<>  and if	\   if interpreting & echoing
   1682         ."  ok"  depth ?dup		\     prompt user
   1683         if  ." -" .  then
   1684       then
   1685     else
   1686       .throw  s0 @ sp!  [compile] [	\    display error, clean up
   1687       cr source type			\    display input line
   1688       cr >in @ 1- spaces ." ^"		\    display pointer to error
   1689     then
   1690   again                                 \   do next line
   1691 ;
   1694 \ ***************
   1695 \ *S Startup code
   1696 \ ***************
   1698 \ *************
   1699 \ *N Cold chain
   1700 \ *************
   1701 \ *P If enabled by the non-zero equate *\fo{COLDCHAIN?} the cold
   1702 \ ** start code in *\fo{COLD} will walk a list and execute the xts
   1703 \ ** contained in it. The xts must have no stack effect *\fo{( -- )}
   1704 \ ** and are added to the list by the phrase:
   1705 \ *C   ' <wordname> AtCold
   1706 \ *P The list is executed in the order in which it was defined so
   1707 \ ** that the last word added is executed last. This was done
   1708 \ ** for compatibility with VFX Forth, which also contains a
   1709 \ ** shutdown chain, in which the last word added is executed
   1710 \ ** first.
   1712 \ *P If the equate *\fo{COLDCHAIN?} is not defined in the control
   1713 \ ** file, a default value of 0 will be defined.
   1715 [undefined] ColdChain? [if]
   1716 0 equ ColdChain?
   1717 [then]
   1719 ColdChain? [if]
   1721 align
   1722 l: ColdChainFirst	\ -- addr
   1723 \ *G Dummy first entry in ColdChain.
   1724   0 ,  ' noop ,
   1726 variable ColdChain	\ -- addr
   1727 \ *G Holds the address of the last entry in the cold chain.
   1728   ColdChainFirst ColdChain !
   1730 interpreter
   1731 : AtCold        \ xt(t) --
   1732   align
   1733   chere(t) dup ColdChain @c(t) !c(t)	\ last points to new
   1734   ColdChain !c(t)			\ new becomes old
   1735   0 ,c(t)  ,c(t)			\ lay link to next and xt
   1736 ;
   1737 target
   1739 : AtCold        \ xt --
   1740 \ *G Specifiy a new XT to execute when *\fo{COLD} is run. Note
   1741 \ ** that the last word added is executed last. *\fo{ATCOLD} can
   1742 \ ** be executed interpretively during cross-compilation. The cold
   1743 \ ** chain is built in the current *\fo{CDATA} section.
   1744   Align
   1745   here dup  ColdChain @ !  ColdChain !	\ update cold chain
   1746   0 ,  ,				\ lay link to next and xt
   1747 ;
   1749 : WalkColdChain         \ --                                     MPE.0000
   1750 \ *G Execute all words added to the cold chain. Note that the first
   1751 \ ** word added is executed first.
   1752   ColdChainFirst
   1753   begin
   1754     dup
   1755    while
   1756     dup cell + @ execute		\ execute XT
   1757     @					\ get next entry
   1758   repeat
   1759   drop
   1760 ;
   1762 [then]
   1765 \ ====================
   1766 \ *N The COLD sequence
   1767 \ ====================
   1768 \ *P At power up, the target executes *\fo{COLD} or the word specified
   1769 \ ** by *\fo{MAKE-TURNKEY <name>}, or the word specified as the action
   1770 \ ** of an application compiled by the target.
   1772 internal
   1774 3 cells equ #idhead
   1776 : (INIT)        \ --
   1777 \ *G Performs the high level Forth startup. See the source code for
   1778 \ ** more details.
   1779 \ ** INTERNAL.
   1781 \ Copy the given RAM table from Flash into RAM. The table may
   1782 \ initialise multiple blocks of RAM. The data consists of:
   1783 \ len, addr, pageid, len bytes data, len, addr, page, ..., len=0,
   1784   init-ram begin
   1785     dup @
   1786    while                                \ len<>0
   1787     dup #idhead +  over 2@              \ source, dest, len
   1788     cmove                               \ copy
   1789     dup @ +  #idhead +                  \ step to next block
   1790   repeat
   1791   drop
   1793   user-reset s0 4 cells cmove           \ initialise user vars
   1794   s0 @ sp!                              \ Reset data stack
   1795   init-tib 'tib !			\ input buffer pointer
   1796   handler off				\ no CATCH used yet
   1797   init-fence fence 4 cells cmove        \ fence, dp, voc-link
   1798   0 <source> !  decimal
   1799   forth-wordlist dup context ! current !
   1800   0 context cell+ !
   1801 \  only forth definitions                \ set up search order
   1802 ;
   1803 external
   1805 : .FREE         \ --
   1806 \ *G Return the free dictionary space.
   1807   cr APPFLASHEND dp @ - u. ." bytes free Flash"
   1808   cr RP-END rp @ -      u. ." bytes free RAM"
   1809 ;
   1811 : Commit	\ xt|0 --
   1812 \ *G Preserve the compiled image. If xt is non-zero, that word
   1813 \ ** will be executed when the application starts.
   1814   dup 0= if  drop ['] noop  then
   1815   to-do start-action			\ start up action
   1816   DefStart APPSTART /DefStart >Flash	\ save application data
   1817 ;
   1819 : Empty		\ --
   1820 \ *G Wipe the application and perform a cold restart.
   1821 \  INFOSTART DefStart /DefStart cmove	\ relink base system
   1822   APPSTART /DefStart FlErase		\ wipe application links
   1823   APPFLASHSTART /APPFLASH FlErase	\ wipe application flash
   1824   reboot
   1825 ;
   1827 : COLD          \ --
   1828 \ *G The first high level word executed by default. This word is
   1829 \ ** set to be the word executed at power up, but this may be
   1830 \ ** overridden by a later use of *\fo{MAKE-TURNKEY <name>} in
   1831 \ ** the cross-compiled code. See
   1832 \ ** the source code for more details of *\fo{COLD}.
   1833   (init)                                \ start Forth
   1834   init-ser                              \ initialise serial line
   1835   console opvec !			\ default i/o channels
   1836   console ipvec !
   1837   start-clock
   1838 \ perform the application detection and linking
   1839   DefStart INFOSTART /DefStart >Flash	\ save defaults
   1840   APPSTART @ dup -1 <> swap 0<> and if  \ FENCE not $FFFF or 0
   1841     crcslot @ APPSTART /DefStart + @ = if   \ checksums match
   1842       APPSTART DefStart /DefStart cmove	    \ load app
   1843     endif
   1844   endif
   1845   align  dp @ @ -1 <>			\ Flash at HERE should be erased
   1846   if  empty  endif			\ use -1 for 16/32 bit reasons
   1847 \ cold chain actions
   1848   WalkColdChain				\ execute user specified initialisation
   1849 \ sign on
   1850   CR .cpu .free				\ sign on, display free space
   1851   start-action				\ perform application start up actions
   1852   cr cr ."   ok"			\ display prompt
   1853   s0 @ sp!                              \ reset data stack
   1854   quit                                  \ start text interpreter
   1855 ;
   1856 make-turnkey cold                       \ Default start-up word.
   1859 \ =====================
   1860 \ *S Kernel error codes
   1861 \ =====================
   1863 \ *D -1 ABORT
   1864 \ *D -2 ABORT"
   1865 \ *D -4 Stack underflow
   1866 \ *D -13  Undefined word.
   1867 \ *D -14  Attempt to interpret a compile only definition.
   1868 \ *D -22  Control structure mismatch - unbalanced control structure.
   1869 \ *D -121 Attempt to remove with MARKER or FORGET below FENCE in protected dictionary.
   1870 \ *D -403 Attempt to compile an interpret only definition.
   1871 \ *D -501 Error if not LOADing from a block.
   1874 \ ******
   1875 \ *> ###
   1876 \ ******