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liteSTM32F072sa.ctl (12759B)

      1 \ liteSTM32F072sa.ctl - STM32F072RB discovery board standalone "Lite" Forth
      3 ((
      4 Copyright (c) 2014
      5 MicroProcessor Engineering
      6 133 Hill Lane
      7 Southampton SO15 5AF
      8 England
     10 tel: +44 (0)23 8063 1441
     11 fax: +44 (0)23 8033 9691
     12 net:
     14 web:
     16 From North America, our telephone and fax numbers are:
     17   011 44 23 8063 1441
     18   011 44 23 8033 9691
     21 To do
     22 =====
     24 Change history
     25 ==============
     26 20140707 MPE002 Updated for Lite Forth v2.
     27 20140205 MPE001 First release for STM32F0xx.
     28 ))
     31 \ ================
     32 \ *! stm32f072litesa
     33 \ *T Control file for STM32F072 Discovery board
     34 \ ================
     35 \ *P Every Forth project has a control file, which is similar to the
     36 \ ** project file in other languages. The control file tells the
     37 \ ** cross compiler all about the target. Not all of it is
     38 \ ** documented here, but it is all commented in the source code.
     40 \ *P The control file *\i{CortexLite/Hardware/STM32F072Bdisco/liteSTM32F072sa.ctl}
     41 \ ** produces a standalone Forth for the STM32F072B Discovery board.
     42 \ ** The control files for other boards are very similar in structure,
     43 \ ** and different in the details of the CPU and board specific
     44 \ ** options. Read the specific code for your CPU and board.
     46 \ *P The serial port is connected to USART1 on pins PA9 (Tx -> PC Rx) and
     47 \ ** PA10 (Rx -> PC Tx).
     48 \ ** You cannot use the easy GPIO code for UART initialisation unless
     49 \ ** the GPIO ports are clocked and taken out of reset in the start
     50 \ ** up code.
     52 \ *P When you modify this file for your own hardware do not forget
     53 \ ** to update the GPIO pin assignments and alternate function
     54 \ ** selections.
     56 \ *P To Flash the board, you can use the low-cost ST-LINK/V2 JTAG unit, or use
     57 \ ** the one integrated into the ST Discovery boards.
     58 \ ** The ST-LINK Utility software is a
     59 \ ** free download from the ST website *\f{}.
     61 only forth definitions  decimal
     64 \ **************************
     65 \ *S Define directory macros
     66 \ **************************
     67 \ *P The MPE cross compilers contain a useful text macro system.
     68 \ ** Macros allow easy porting of control files when projects are
     69 \ ** moved from their default locations. Each directory macro
     70 \ ** defines where a particular set of files are located.
     72 \ *[
     73 c" ."			setmacro AppDir		\ application files
     74 c" ."			setmacro HwDir		\ Board hardware files
     75 c" ..\.."		setmacro CpuDir		\ CPU specific files
     76 c" ..\..\Examples"	setmacro ExampleDir	\ example files
     77 \ *]
     80 \ *****************************
     81 \ *S Turn on the cross compiler
     82 \ *****************************
     84 \ *[
     86 include %CpuDir%/Macros		\ macros needed by the cross-compiler
     88 CROSS-COMPILE			\ Turn host Forth into a cross-compiler
     90 only forth definitions          \ default search order
     92   no-log                        \ uncomment to suppress output log
     93   rommed                        \ split ROM/RAM target
     94   interactive                   \ enter interactive mode at end
     95   +xrefs			\ enable cross references
     96   align-long                    \ code is 32bit aligned
     97   Cortex-M0			\ Thumb2 processor type and register usage
     98   -LongCalls			\ no calls outside 25 bit range
     99   +FlashCompile			\ target compiles to Flash
    100   Hex-I32			\ also produce Intel Hex-32 obj format
    101   +SaveCdataOnly		\ no data area image files
    103 0 equ false
    104 -1 equ true
    106 \ *]
    108 \ *******************
    109 \ *S Configure target
    110 \ *******************
    112 \ ==============================
    113 \ *N STM32F0 variant definitions
    114 \ ==============================
    116 $0800:0000 equ FlashBase	\ -- addr
    117 \ *G Start address of Flash. The bottom 2kb (the vector area) is
    118 \ ** mirrored at $0000:0000 for booting.
    120 #128 kb equ /Flash	\ -- len
    121 \ *G Size of Flash.
    122 2 kb equ /FlashPage	\ -- len
    123 \ *G Size of a Flash Page.
    124 1 equ KeepPages		\ -- u
    125 \ *G Set this non-zero for the number of pages at the end of Flash
    126 \ ** that are reserved for configuration data. Often set to 1 or 2
    127 \ ** by systems that use PowerNet.
    128 FlashBase /Flash + /FlashPage KeepPages * - equ CfgFlash  \ -- len
    129 \ *G Base address of the configuration Flash area.
    131 $1FFF:C800 equ /InfoBase	\ -- addr
    132 \ *G Base address of system memory information block.
    134 #12 kb equ /SysMem		\ -- len
    135 \ *G Size of system memory block.
    137 $1FFF:F800 equ OptionBytes	\ -- addr
    138 \ *G Base address of option bytes
    139 #16 equ /OptionBytes		\ -- len
    140 \ *G Number of option bytes
    142 #64 cells equ /ExcVecs	\ -- len
    143 \ *G Size of the exception/interrupt vector table. There are
    144 \ ** 16 slots reserved by ARM.
    146 \ *P The system clocks are generated from PLLs.
    147 \ ** How to set them up is non-obvious and is mostly documented
    148 \ ** by the ST demonstration code in the file *\i{system_stm32f0x2.c}.
    149 \ ** If you are not going to use an existing setup, copy and rename
    150 \ ** one of the existing *\i{startSTM32F0xx.fth} files.
    152 8 MHz equ xtal-speed		\ -- hz
    153 \ *G Master oscillator crystal clock rate in HZ. This is the HSI
    154 \ ** internal oscillator which has better than +/-1% accuracy and
    155 \ ** is more accurate than the internal 48 MHz oscillator.
    156 48 MHz equ system-speed		\ -- hz
    157 \ *G Requested CPU clock speed in HZ. Note that you must
    158 \ ** calculate the PLL values.
    160 1 equ AHBdiv	\ -- u
    161 \ *G Division ratio of the AHB clock from the system clock.
    162 \ ** This may not be more than 48 MHz.
    163 1 equ APBdiv	\ -- u
    164 \ *G Division ratio of the APB clock from the system clock.
    165 \ ** This may not be more than 48 MHz.
    167 system-speed AHBdiv / equ AHB-speed	\ -- hz
    168 \ *G AHB bus speed.
    169 system-speed APBdiv / equ APB-speed	\ -- hz
    170 \ *G APB bus speed.
    173 \ =============
    174 \ *N Memory map
    175 \ =============
    176 \ *P If you are using the *\fo{Reflash} code in the *\i{ReProg}
    177 \ ** folder, note that the Flash reprogramming code uses RAM
    178 \ ** from $2000:0000..$2000:0FFF and its mirrors. Ensure that
    179 \ ** your stacks are outside this region.
    181 \ *P The Flash memory starts at $0800:0000. The bottom 2 kb (the
    182 \ ** vector area) is mirrored at $0000:0000. The top 4 kb (two
    183 \ ** pages) is used to save autostart and application linkage
    184 \ ** information.
    186 \ *[
    187   $0800:0000 $0800:BFFF cdata section liteSTM32F072sa	\ code
    188   $2000:0000 $2000:0FFF udata section PROGu	\ 4k UDATA RAM
    189   $2000:1000 $2000:3FFF idata section PROGd	\ 12k IDATA RAM
    191 interpreter
    192 : prog liteSTM32F072sa  ;		\ synonym
    193 target
    195 PROG PROGd PROGu  CDATA		\ use Code for HERE , and so on
    197 $0801:F000 equ INFOSTART   	\ kernel status is saved here.
    198 $0801:F800 equ APPSTART		\ application data is saved here.
    199 $0801:FFFF equ INFOEND		\ end of kernel/application status data.
    200 $2000:0000 equ RAMSTART		\ start of RAM
    201 $2000:4000 equ RAMEND		\ end of RAM
    202 $0800:0000 equ FLASHSTART  	\ start of Main Flash
    203 $0810:0000 equ FLASHEND		\ end of possible main Flash
    204 $0800:C000 equ APPFLASHSTART  	\ start of application flash
    205 $0801:F000 equ APPFLASHEND  	\ end of application flash
    206 APPFLASHEND APPFLASHSTART - equ /APPFLASH	\ size of application flash
    208 APPFLASHSTART TargetFlashStart	\ sets HERE at kernel start up
    210 \ *]
    213 \ ============================
    214 \ *N Stack and user area sizes
    215 \ ============================
    217 \ *[
    218 $0F0 equ UP-SIZE		\ size of each task's user area
    219 $0F0 equ SP-SIZE		\ size of each task's data stack
    220 $0100 equ RP-SIZE		\ size of each task's return stack
    221 up-size rp-size + sp-size +
    222   equ task-size			\ size of TASK data area
    223 \ define the number of cells of guard space at the top of the data stack
    224 #2 equ sp-guard			\ can underflow the data stack by this amount
    226 $0100 equ TIB-LEN		\ terminal i/p buffer length
    228 \ define nesting levels for interrupts and SWIs.
    229 2 equ #IRQs			\ number of IRQ stacks,
    230 				\ shared by all IRQs (1 min)
    231 0 equ #SVCs			\ number of SVC nestings permitted
    232 				\ 0 is ok if SVCs are unused
    233 \ *]
    236 \ ==========================
    237 \ *N Serial and ticker rates
    238 \ ==========================
    240 1 equ useUSART1?	\ -- n
    241 \ *G Set non-zero to compile code for USART1,
    242 \ ** device *\fo{Console1}.
    243 #115200 equ console1-speed
    244 \ *G *\fo{Console1} speed in BPS.
    246 0 equ useUSART2?	\ -- n
    247 \ *G Set non-zero to compile code for USART2,
    248 \ ** device *\fo{Console2}.
    249 #115200 equ console2-speed
    250 \ *G *\fo{Console2} speed in BPS.
    252 0 equ useUSART3?	\ -- n
    253 \ *G Set non-zero to compile code for USART3,
    254 \ ** device *\fo{Console3}.
    255 115200 equ console3-speed
    256 \ *G *\fo{Console3} speed in BPS.
    258 0 equ useUSART4?	\ -- n
    259 \ *G Set non-zero to compile code for USART4,
    260 \ ** device *\fo{Console4}.
    261 115200 equ console4-speed
    262 \ *G *\fo{Console4} speed in BPS.
    264 1 equ console-port	\ -- n ; Designate serial port for terminal (0..n).
    265 \ *G Ports 1..4 are the on-chip UARTs. The internal USB device
    266 \ ** is port 10, and bit-banged ports are defined from 20 onwards.
    268 #1 equ tick-ms		\ -- ms
    269 \ *G Timebase tick in ms.
    272 \ =====================
    273 \ *N Software selection
    274 \ =====================
    275 \ *P With 128 kb of Flash we can select a comfortable set of
    276 \ ** software and still have plenty of space for application
    277 \ ** code.
    279 \ *[
    280  0 equ Tiny?			\ nz to make a minimal kernel.
    281  1 equ ColdChain?		\ nz to use cold chain mechanism
    282  1 equ tasking?			\ true if multitasker needed
    283    6 cells equ tcb-size		\   for internal consistency check
    284  0 equ timebase?		\ true for TIMEBASE code
    285  0 equ softfp?			\ true for software floating point
    286  0 equ FullCase?		\ true to include ?OF END-CASE NEXTCASE extensions
    287  0 equ target-locals?		\ true if target local variable sources needed
    288  0 equ romforth?		\ true for ROMForth handler
    289  0 equ blocks?			\ true if BLOCK needed
    290  $0000 equ sizeofheap		\ 0=no heap, nz=size of heap
    291    1 equ heap-diags?		\   true to include diagnostic code
    292  0 equ paged?			\ true if ROM or RAM is paged/banked
    293 \ *]
    296 \ *****************
    297 \ default constants
    298 \ *****************
    300 cell equ cell				\ size of a cell (16 bits)
    301 0 equ false
    302 -1 equ true
    305 \ ***************
    306 \ *S Kernel files
    307 \ ***************
    309 \ *[
    310   include %CpuDir%/CM0def		\ Cortex generic equates and SFRs
    311   include %CpuDir%/sfrSTM32F072		\ STM32F072 special function registers
    312   include %CpuDir%/StackDef		\ Reserve default task and stacks
    313 PROGd  sec-top 1+ equ UNUSED-TOP  PROG	\ top of memory for UNUSED
    314   include %HwDir%/startSTM32F072	\ start up code
    315 l: crcslot
    316   0 ,					\ the kernel CRC
    317 l: crcstart
    318   include %CpuDir%/CodeM0lite		\ low level kernel definitions
    319   include %CpuDir%/Drivers/FlashSTM32	\ Flash programming code
    320   include %CpuDir%/kernel72lite		\ high level kernel definitions
    321   include %CpuDir%/Drivers/rebootSTM32	\ reboot using watchdog
    322   include %CpuDir%/IntCortex		\ interrupt handlers for NVIC
    323   include %CpuDir%/FaultCortex		\ fault exception handlers for NVIC
    324 \ *]
    325 : selio-ser1	\ --
    326 \ *G Example to perform clock and pin selection for USART1 on PA9/10.
    327 \ ** You cannot use the easy GPIO code for this unless the GPIO ports
    328 \ ** are clocked and taken out of reset in the start up code.
    329 \ Clocks and reset
    330   _RCC
    331   $0000 $0003 2 pick rccCFGR3 + setMask	\ PCLK is UART clock
    332   bit17 over rccAHBen + or!		\ enable clock to GPIOA
    333   bit17 over rccAHBrst + bic!		\ take it out of reset
    334   bit14 over rccAPB2en + or!		\ enable clock to USART1
    335   bit14 over rccAPB2rst + bic!		\ take it out of reset
    336   drop
    337 \ Default on PA9/10
    338   _GPIOA >r
    339   $0028:0000 $003C:0000 r@ gpioMODER + setMask	\ alternate function on 9/10
    340   $0000:0110 $0000:0FF0 r> gpioAFRH + setMask	\ AF1 for both
    341 ;
    342 \ *[
    343   include %CpuDir%/Drivers/serSTM32F0xxp \ polled serial driver
    344   include %CpuDir%/Dump			\ DUMP .S etc development tools
    346   include %CpuDir%/Drivers/gpioSTM32F0xx \ easy pin access
    347   include %CpuDir%/Drivers/SysTickDisco072
    348   ' start-clock AtCold
    350 tasking? [if]
    351   include %CpuDir%/MultiCM0lite		\ multitasker
    352 [then]
    354 \ *]
    357 \ *************
    358 \ *S End of kernel
    359 \ *************
    360 \ *P After the main kernel has been built, some version data is
    361 \ ** laid down for use by the sign-on code.
    363 \ *[
    365 buildfile
    366 l: version$
    367   build$,
    368 l: BuildDate$
    369   DateTime$,
    371 internal
    372 : .banner	\ --
    373   cr ." ****************************"
    374 ;
    376 : .CPU		\ -- ; display CPU type
    377   .banner
    378   cr ." MPE Forth Lite for STM32F072"
    379   cr version$ $. space BuildDate$ $.
    380   cr ." Copyright (C) 2014 MicroProcessor Engineering Ltd."
    381   .banner
    382 ;
    383 external
    384 \ *]
    387 \ *******************
    388 \ *S Application code
    389 \ *******************
    390 \ *P This code is not essential, but makes life very much easier.
    392 \ *[
    393   include %HwDir%/ReProg/ReFlash	\ ReFlash utility
    394   include %CpuDir%/include		\ include from AIDE
    395   include %CpuDir%/Drivers/spiSTM32F0hard	\ SPI2 driver
    396   include %CpuDir%/Examples/l3gd20	\ L3GD20 MEMS driver
    398 RAMEND constant RP-END	\ end of available RAM
    399 \ *]
    402 \ ***************
    403 \ *S Finishing up
    404 \ ***************
    405 \ *[
    407 libraries	\ to resolve common forward references
    408   include %CpuDir%/LibM0M1
    409   include %CpuDir%/LIBRARY
    410 end-libs
    412 decimal
    414 \ Add a kernel checksum
    415 crcstart here crcslot crc32 checksum
    416 /DefStart 128 > [if]
    417   .( DEFSTART area too big ) abort
    418 [then]
    420 update-build				\ update build number file
    422 FINIS					\ all done
    424 \ *]
    427 \ ======
    428 \ *> ###
    429 \ ======