Program.cs (1957B)
1 using System; 2 using System.Net; 3 4 using NetworkingDemo.Packets; 5 6 namespace NetworkingDemo { 7 internal class Program { 8 // hosting the server at for sake of demo 9 static readonly IPAddress Addr = IPAddress.Loopback; 10 const int Port = 12345; 11 12 static void Main(string[] args) { 13 // server demo, wait for clients and handle them 14 Server server = new Server(Addr, Port); 15 16 // setup all server-side packet handlers 17 server.On(PacketType.Ping, (buffer, conn) => { 18 PingPacket packet = new PingPacket(); 19 20 if (!packet.TryDeserializeFrom(buffer)) { 21 return ConnectionResult.CloseConnection; 22 } 23 24 conn.Send(new PongPacket(packet.Value)); 25 26 return ConnectionResult.ReceivePackets; 27 }); 28 29 // start listening for incoming client connections 30 server.Start(); 31 32 33 // client demo, send and receive multiple packets 34 Client client = new Client(); 35 Connection connection = client.ConnectTo(Addr, Port); 36 37 // setup all client-side packet handlers 38 connection.On(PacketType.Welcome, (buffer, conn) => { 39 WelcomePacket packet = new WelcomePacket(); 40 41 if (!packet.TryDeserializeFrom(buffer)) { 42 return ConnectionResult.CloseConnection; 43 } 44 45 Console.WriteLine($"[server->client] Welcome: {packet.Msg}"); 46 47 return ConnectionResult.ReceivePackets; 48 }); 49 50 connection.On(PacketType.Pong, OnPongPacket); 51 52 // start listening for incoming packets 53 connection.BeginRecv(); 54 55 for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { 56 Console.WriteLine($"[client->server] Ping: {i}"); 57 connection.Send(new PingPacket(i)); 58 } 59 60 61 // wait for demo to end 62 Console.ReadLine(); 63 } 64 65 static ConnectionResult OnPongPacket(Memory<byte> buffer, Connection conn) { 66 PongPacket packet = new PongPacket(); 67 68 if (!packet.TryDeserializeFrom(buffer)) { 69 return ConnectionResult.CloseConnection; 70 } 71 72 Console.WriteLine($"[server->client] Pong: {packet.Value}"); 73 74 return ConnectionResult.ReceivePackets; 75 } 76 } 77 }